I just got back from a fantastic weekend teaching a group of amazing teachers in Xi’an China – home of the 兵马俑 – The Terraco...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
OK, so we’ve got the definition of fluent under our belts and we’re chockablock full of real reasons why getting fluent is worth the effort. So to...
Erika wrote in to ask: How do you evaluate your students? Do you use self-evaluation? Hi Erika, Thank you for the question and the great case study! W...
A very simple game from Mido this week, and it works great in making the kids laugh and getting them on their toes! 1. The teacher says one of the t...
I must admit I’ve never used flashcards for the Genki Disco Warm Up (i.e. Stand up, sit down, hands up, hands down etc. ) but Mido has go...
Here is Mido’s latest game to review whatever you are studying this week! 1. Split a pack of playing cards into the four suits, spades, clubs,...