Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

OK, so weโ€™ve got the definition of fluent under our belts and weโ€™re chockablock full of real reasons why getting fluent is worth the effort. So to...

Erika wrote in to ask: How do you evaluate your students? Do you use self-evaluation? Hi Erika, Thank you for the question and the great case study! W...

A very simple game from Mido this week, and it works great in making the kids laugh and getting them on their toes! 1. ย The teacher says one of the t...

I must admit I’ve never used flashcards for the Genki Disco Warm Upย ย  (i.e. ย Stand up, sit down, hands up, hands down etc. )ย but Mido has go...

Here is Mido’s latest game to review whatever you are studying this week! 1. ย Split a pack of playing cards into the four suits, spades, clubs,...

Luke just wrote in to ask: I plan to open up a language school in Korea and I am having problems trying to name my school. Any suggestions or tips wou...