Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I must say I have been totally amazed at Russia so far, it is totally different to what I expected. ย  I thought the architecture would be like Japan ...

Natalie wrote in to ask… I would want to know how to teach grammar at different levels in a fun way. Thank you very much for getting in touch Na...

I wanted to start off today with a quote Katya put on Facebook: Dear Richard, the seminar is great! Thank you. It is worth travelling for 48 hours fro...

Today was the first day of my first visit to Russia – very exciting. I arrived in Moscow at 8:30 last night, then it took till 4:30 this morning...

With the start of the new school year in Europe, US and elsewhere we have lots of new teachers to Genki English – welcome! And of course we have...

I get a lot of emails from teachers saying how their kids are running around out of control and don’t pay any attention to anybody. I do sympath...