Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

  Now this is very interesting … It looks like we’ve found a surprise hit with the new Summer Sports song.ย ย  (My now 5 year old nie...

Instead of just once a week, a lot of teachers would like their students to come twice a week for lessons. But it can often be a tough sell to parents...

No sooner had I written my last post about teaching babies & 2/3 year olds then I had lots of people write in to contradict everything I said! ๐Ÿ™...

Ken asked me the other day ย for some fun ideas for teachingย “This is …” and “These are ….” I couldn’t thin...

As language teachers it’s always important that we keep learning new languages to avoid the Curse of Knowledge. Seeing as I’ve finished th...

Hats off to everyone for the Herculean help the other day (and do check out the links to all the bonus goodies below!) ย  Thanks to your hard work eve...