Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I first started teaching by putting up a card in the local supermarket. ย  ย That was back when I was 16 and living in the UK. ย  ย That’s all i...

There’s no better way to see how parts of a language learning system work than to try it yourself. So if you want to see how the Genki English d...

1. ย Put up the newย Genki Tik Tok posterย for the new lesson you want to teach on the screen and get the kids to scan the QR code. ย  The Tik Tok app...

It almost seems a little strange to be writing something like this when so many others are going through crazy financial times right now. But, as has ...

Hello, We just took 3 days off by the seaside which was very nice! So whilst it’s really important to take time off (and throughout the year!) ย...

Virginie has just done her end of year play and has taken lots of videos to give you inspiration! ย  Here we go …. At last! After 2 years of onl...