Genki English FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

This month I’ve been having lots and lots of questions – thank you! – and I figured I’d put up some of the most popular ones here:

What do you do for homework with Genki English?

Two options, one is the basic review worksheets/workbooks. They’re really simple and great to show parents.

Or if you have your own school, and to get the best results from the kids, have a look at this page to see how to apply to sell the software to your students. It can make the investment in Genki English pay for itself very quickly!

What’s the difference between the “Teacher’s Set” and the “Download Pack”?

No difference, the Teacher’s Set is now all digital download, so is exactly the same as the Download Pack

Is the phonics course included in the Download Pack?

Yes indeed!  In the software you get all the phonics games plus the fast and slow animated phonics songs.  Then, as VIP membership to the website is included, you can also download the whole phonics course with the Phonics Posters (with stories)  and Phonics Workbooks.

Genki Phonics Workbook


I don’t have a credit card. Is there any other way to pay?

What most teachers do is to either ask a friend or their school to make the purchase for them. This usually works out quite well.
Otherwise I’m afraid it is just credit card payments. (Unless you’re in Japan where we also have Cash on Delivery options)

Can I use Genki English with my current textbook?

Yes you can.  Although Genki English is designed to, and gets the best results by,  being used on its own, many teachers do use it to “spice up” an existing textbook for example, Let’s Go or another country specific textbook.  All you do is to look through the curriculum and then see which Genki English lessons fit best with each lesson in your book.

Very often you do end up teaching all the Genki English material, but just in a different order.  Usually teachers start by doing just a few themes this way, but then  after a year it pretty much becomes all Genki English!

Which materials should I get for each level e.g. 4-5 year olds, 8-9 year olds, adults?

Rather than thinking in terms of ages, I’d always think in terms of ability. So if the students are beginners, or don’t have confidence speaking, then whatever their age (even adults) I’d recommend going through the curriculum from the beginning, hence the regular Download Pack is the best.  Different ages respond to different parts of the materials and all the only real difference is the speed at which each age group goes through the course!

I’ve got the pack – what do I do next?

Thank you!  And here’s your 1,2,3 guide to getting started!

If you have more questions please do feel free to email me or write them in the comments!

Be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Genki English FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions”

  1. Craig

    I’ve been using GE for just over 2 years now, and I really can’t imagine trying to get through one of my elementary school classes without it!
    I used the worksheets as homework/self-review for my summer Kid’s Eikaiwa class, and they were fantastic. The kids loved doing them, and they really made a difference in retention of the material presented in class.
    I had one elementary school where EVERY kid was completely disinterested in English. I’m not exaggerating..every kid. After 2 years of hard work on my part and a dose of GE, EVERY kid in that school cheers when I show up for English class.
    There is no question in my mind that GE turned that school around. I can’t say thank you enough.
    If anyone is on the fence about buying this system, I hope this is the push you need to make a huge difference in your lessons and in the interest level of the kids you teach.

  2. Craig

    I forgot to mention that I use GE at one of the Jr High schools I teach at in their Special Needs class.
    These kids have learning disabilities that preclude them from attending regular classes with other kids their age.
    GE has been a godsend for that class as well. The subjects are presented in a way that is easy for them to understand, and the games and songs really help them retain the English from class.
    They are constantly asking me, “When are you coming to class again? You’re going to bring Genki English, right?”

  3. richard

    Thanks Craig, that is so cool to hear!

    And if any of you are interesting in the Homework side of things from a kids’ point of view, I just got this message about the Spanish games. 🙂


    this is so COOL I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad found the site i’m dowing it for homework

    (but this is way better than homework – Leigh, aged 9


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