Author Archives: Richard Graham

Teaching English/ESL Q&A Live from LA

This week’s Teaching English FAQ video comes Live from LA. Some of the topics we cover are: How to make an English cafe Large classes How to know what the kids already know? How to provide feedback to students? Teaching English to your own kids. How to sell your own flashcards etc. online Plus lots,…

Energise your weekend with the Law of Attraction Genki Rules of Life

We all need more positivity in our lives. Β  And one way to do it is to concentrate on the English we actually use, or teach. Fill our heads with good things and good things tend to happen. Β That’s basically what the “law of attraction” says. Β  It’s just like when you think about buying…

Start Your Own School: But I’m not a native speaker!

As you’ve probably found out, Β how you sell your lessons to parents and prospective students comes entirely down to how you think about yourself. The teachers who charge double your rates, it’s because they see themselves as more valuable. And very often that’s all it takes. One objection that many non-native speakers come across is…

Installment Plan + Price Goes up on Sep 30th + L.A.!

If you can’t quite afford to buy the Teacher’s SetΒ in one go, Β lots of you have been asking if the installment plan for the Teacher’s Set is still available. (Where you simply pay over four months instead of all at once) Yes it is, you can pay in installments here. Β I hope that helps you…

International Talk Like A Pirate Day is Coming Soon!

Ooooh, argggh, yes it is! So how about some pirate colors with Pirates with the Colored BeardsΒ  or some Phonics “ure” practice with Treasure Adventure. Enjoy! P.S. Β What’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet? Β Write your answers in the comments πŸ™‚

Fear: What it is, how it’s holding you back and how to vanquish it!

I don’t know if it’s the 9/11 coverage on TV or just the beginning of term, Β but this week I’ve noticed lots and lots of teachers being really scared. Scared of trying new things or trying new lessons or school owners scared of pushing their schools forward. So I did a special video for you…