Author Archives: Richard Graham

Why it’s better to learn languages with songs

Coming from a hard science background I’m always a little suspicious of social science research (too small sample sizes and too many variables!) But if you’re looking for some research on how songs help with teaching languages, this little research paper might be useful. Songs as an aid for language acquisition by Daniele Schöna I know that school directors…

Quick, Crazy End of Term Game: What did you say?

If you’re looking for a quick, slightly crazy, but lots of fun end of year review game, then check out one of my favourites: The what did you say? Game! Ninja Tip:  This one is great for high school or adult classes too!

How to get your kids addicted to class: Fire & Ice Avatars!

“So many of your resources resonate brilliance. This is another to add to the list.” “Fantastic  I’m about to print them all:)” “These are GREAT!” These are just some of the comments about the  Christmas Avatars which were pretty popular to say the least! So as promised Alyssa has been hard at work on a new set…

Just for those of you in Japan …..

UPDATE:  This offer has now finished, thank you to everyone who took part!      I’ll have more for all of you who are overseas very soon,  but just for today I’ve got an announcement for teachers in Japan. It’s just a quick message to let you know that we’re having a stock clearance and…

Mega Maze Game

Hugo has just sent in his very cool Mega Maze game for practising Left & Right (or North & South) and reviewing previous themes. Here’s Koharu Playing our game “Mega Maze” and practicing the words she had learnt (Left, Right, Forward and Back). Koharu had to say the correct word before moving the mouse in…

How to motivate your kids: Small Victories!

  Feel like your kids are stuck or plateauing?   This might help …. 🙂   One key of success is to build momentum. If you keep stopping. Then starting. Then stopping. Then starting. It’s hard to keep your eye on the goal. The cure? To have one really small victory. Which then boosts you…