Author Archives: Richard Graham

The Top Ten Verbs in English & How do you teach them?

We’ve talked before about the top 25 *words* in English – and how important it is to have them in your curriculum. But what do you think the top 10 *verbs* are? Things like “said” or “had” or “is”? Well, maybe for written words, yes. But as we all know the written language is very…

New “Giant” & “High” Level Workbooks

Inbetween his preparations for the next Winter Olympics (seriously!) and of course Β his regular teaching, Hugo has done two more workbook covers for you, Β this time for the Giant and High Levels! Ninja Tip: Β You can find all the workbooks so far on this page. Now what happened to all our excuses for not having…

Superhero Power Smoothies (Cooking Lesson)

  Dacha has just sent in this fantastic idea to with the Superhero Vegetables lesson. 1. First of all teach the Superhero and then Superhero Vegetables songs. 2. Β Now get the kids to come up with super powers for the veggies that don’t already have them. Ninja Tip: Β You could also add in the fruits…

Goat & Toad Float on a Boat, new Phonics “oa” story

After the “igh” story last timeΒ (and the great feedback!)Β  today we have a brand new phonics story for the “oa” grapheme. As usual we have the poster version for use by the teacher at the front of the class and the landscape workbook version where the kids can write the story so you can check…

Start your own school Tip: How to hire great teachers

In the last post I talked about why it’s probably a good idea to not hire any extra teachers. But if you do want to make the leap of faith, Β  how to hire great teachers – and not end up with nightmare scenarios – is probably the most popular question I’m getting now. And,…

Amazing new Basic Skills Workbook for Pre-Schoolers

Thank you to everyone who took up the special offer last week – welcome on board! If you’re lucky enough to see your class everyday you have lots of skills to teach, not just English and confidence. And of course it makes sense to try and Genki those up too! πŸ™‚ So Amye has come…