Author Archives: Richard Graham

How many words to teach in one ESL English lesson?

Uyun wrote in to ask: I taught my students using the free song you gave me. Amazing, my students were really happy and were enjoying my class. But the problem is they couldn’t remember all the words when I reviewed it in next meeting. They only remember the -how are you-, to say hungry, tired…

Top 3 Winter ESL Lessons

I’m not going to tell you how warm it is outside where I am at the moment (hint: 24 degrees 🙂 ) But if it’s a little chilly where you are, here are my top 3 lessons for wintery days: 1.  Winter Sports No Winter Olympics this year, but ski season is in full flow….

Good (& Bad) News if you’re teaching in Japan…

With the Japanese Yen being so weak at the moment we have the strange situation where it’s cheaper to buy our physical USB Japanese Superpack  for less money than the download Teacher’s Set – even though you get so much more in it! ( The Japanese Superpack is exactly the same as the download Teacher’s Set but is only available in Japan and comes…

By Popular Request …

By popular request here’s the regular version of the 2015 Calendars! I also added a cover picture this time too. And of course those of you lucky enough to get into the Homework Programme have those ones too: Enjoy and if you have more requests for the New Year then please do let me know!…

How to Teach Writing

Lots of people have been asking me about Genki Writing. For example Oronia wrote in to ask: ——————————- I have a class of ESL students. I would like to help them with Writing in English. They seem to go on google translate and then copy all the phrases they translate and then turn it in…

2015 Homework Calendars!

Just in case you missed them, here are the 2015 Homework Calendars! P.S.  We also added in a “phonics” option this year so your kids can get points for phonics homework too! 🙂