Author Archives: Richard Graham

How my Grandson learnt to read in 3 weeks

With so many new teachers, parents and grandparents joining Genki English over the last few months I have been truly moved by some of the comments that people have sent in. Tanya wrote in to say: You were the answer for my prayers! Christy wrote in to say: My son has learned English so well…

New Game: I came here by ….

Lisa just sent in this great game, you can use it for How are you?, Β How did you get here?, I want to be a …Β  or any of the lessons actually! 1. Put the “Words 2” or flashcards for today’s lesson on the board. 2. All the kids stand in a circle. 3. One…

How to teach the alphabet to first grade.

Dirian wrote in to ask: Hi Richard! I would like to ask you how do I teach theΒ alphabetΒ to kids of 1st grade? Hi Dirian, Well the easy answer is …. don’t! πŸ™‚ There are lots of games and ideas you can use to teach the alphabet, for example just about all the Genki English games…

New Game: Olympic Medal Game! (Phonics, How many etc.)

One great game I’ve used for the Olympics (Summer or Winter) Β is to print out, or put on screen, the medals table in English from the Winter Olympics website. Then you can play a game …. 1. Make sure everyone can see the medals table. 2. Ask a question, such as “How many medals does…

Lesson of the Month: Winter Sports + a Few Games Ideas

Whilst those of us in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying the Summer sunshine (sorry!) – the rest of the world seems to be having crazy weather. But as much as adults might hate the snow, kids absolutely love it! Β Plus with the Winter Olympics on right now, my top tip for the week is to…

Don’t ask me, do it.

When other teachers see me teaching or training they are often very surprised that I spend most of the time sitting back saying nothing. (Which is a big contrast to how I come across on the online training videos!) The reason is that if I give a student a task e.g. a teacher to figure…