Author Archives: Richard Graham

Game of the Week & Vol. 8 Special Offer

Hello, We’ve got a Leap day coming up this week, so I thought it was a great chance to recommendย the Leapfrog Game – it’s one of my “go to life saver” games for any topic! Have any of you tried it in your classrooms? What do you think? Volume 8 Download Special Offer till Wednesday…

Africa Day 10: Saying Goodbye, How Education Changes Lives & You Next?

So there we go, my last day on Mafia Island. I came expecting it to be hard. ย Maybe dangerous. But it was one of the safest places I’ve ever been. ย Everyone was so, so welcoming, you hear “Karibu!” – welcome –ย whereverย you go. ย The teachers had so much passion and the organisers & volunteers were amazing….

Africa Day 9: Genki African Artwork!

Today was my (only) day off!! Yeah!! It was also the first night I’d slept as I’d changed rooms. And what a day off it was! After breakfast we all got picked up in jeeps and taken to the Marine National Park. I’d come through here last week so it was cool to go back…

Africa Day 8: Doubts & When to teach phonics?

Final day of workshops today, and here is my walk to work with some of things that have been on my mind this week! So after all that serious stuff, and after yesterday’s success with the kids, there wasn’t that much stress and everything was plain sailing with the lastย two time songs, which they aced….

3D Star Wars & Snowmen

The new 3D version of Star Wars is out this weekend ( Jar Jar Binks is as annoying as ever but the 3D is great!) so it’s time for the game that my kids voted the best we ever did ย …. Star Wars Lightsabre Battle Game! It’s a really cool game for learning Left &…

Africa Day 7: Demo lesson day!

So today was the big day to to see if this really does all work in Mafia schools! ย Well, we know it does as it worked last year, but I hadn’t seen it myself yet, and most importantly neither had any of today’s teachers – some of who were stillย skepticalย that it would work! And they…