Author Archives: Richard Graham

Apple’s Steve Jobs on How to Improve Education

During the summer we heard Bill Gates’ plans, and frustrations, and how to improve our schools. In the new biography Steve Jobs comes across as not a particularly nice person, but the book is an excellent read and he does point out what he thinks is the key to improving education: “Jobs also attacked America’s…

Flags Game: Eigo Note Where do you want to go? Lesson

Quite a few teachers have written asking for help with the Eigo Note’s “Where do you want to go?” lesson. As you’ve probably guessed, it is really tough as the language hasn’t been thought out well and there is no pattern to learn. But yesterday Yukari came up with a very good idea to go…

Help Please: Which new animal for family lesson?

UPDATE: Β Thanks for the feedback everyone, we finally went with the Baby Rabbit Family – nice and neutral but still super cute! πŸ™‚ As some of you may have seen over on the forum, I’m working on a very exciting new project for low income secondary schools in Tanzania. I’m remixing a few of the…

Tree Climber!

Mido sent in this game for his β€œMido’s Book of Gamesβ€œ. And here’s a Christmas variation! 1. Draw a tree on the board with twelve steps on each side. 2. Use different colored magnets on the bottom step of each side of the tree, one for each team. 3. Break the students into two teams….

How to make your kids truly, really happy

We all want our kids to be happy. Truly, really happy. Some of us try things like fun and games in class. And that helps. For a little while. And I’d always trade “bored in class” for a smile. Some try to give presents and unconditional attention. That rarely works. And just makes them crave…

Christmas Songs & New Books + Special Discount just till Friday!

Now that November is here, I’m already getting requests for Christmas lessons. Last month you all seemed to enjoy the CD11 offer (which has now finished – thank you)Β So to get your Christmas off to a flying start here’s a very special discount on the download version of Genki English Vol. 10: The Holiday Special…