Author Archives: Richard Graham

My No. 1 Totally Bestest Ever Game!

It always pays to have a few “Swiss Army Knife” backup songs and games available for when (inevitably) something goes pear shaped in class. My keep-in-reserve songs are Disco Warm Up, How are you? (VIP members, check out the new Baby Monkey Β How are you? cards!) and Superhero. And for my never-fail-even-works-with-any-high-school-class-or-adults ….. this is…

Kids only want to play games! + They’re really shy

Phoebe in Hong Kong wrote in for help saying that her kids are really, really shy and only ever want to play games. Β She asked how to cut down on the amount of games without them getting bored. Β Here’s what I wrote in response: Hi Phoebe, if the kids only ever want to play games,…

The Hammer Game

My top September game for re-starting with a class you’ve already taught is the Hammer Game. It’s brilliant for figuring out how much they’veΒ forgottenΒ over the Summer holidays! And if you’ve got a new class, then start off with the Genki Disco Warm Up and the full curriculum or have a look at my first lesson…

Haunted Houses & Extra Pirates

Wow, thanks for all the feedback yesterday – it’s very, very useful and very, very stress reducing! So here are another couple of questions. Which colour haunted house do you (or even better your kids) Β prefer? And what about this new ending for the Pirates with the Coloured Beards song? Answers in the comments please!…

To Repeat or not Repeat?

UPDATE: Β Thank you for all your input,Β Vol. 12 is now finished and ready to download! ————————————————————————– Whenever I test songs with kids they always seem to go for the ones without any “repeat after me” lines. But I also know a lot of teachers prefer to have the “repeat after me”s in there. ( I…

New Game: I Declare War (country names) from Mexico

Just as we are having our own war on zombies (looks like the zombies are losing by the way!) Β Jessica has just sent in this outdoors / Summer camp game from Mexico. It teaches country names (song here, card game here) and a few cool phrases. As usual with this type of game it is…