Author Archives: Richard Graham

Games in Video from the Fukuoka Workshop

We videod a fair chunk of the workshop on Saturday, and here are some of the games & songs videos for you. Β The more in depth and theory parts in Japanese are on this page. Hopefully they’ll give you some ideas, and be sure to tell your friends about the upcoming events all around Japan,…

New Game: Pig!

Mido Farid has sent in another game, this one is called “Pig!” Β It’s a review of any question! Put a chair in the middle of the class. Ask one student to sit on the chair. All the class should ask him/her questions But….. that student should always only answer with one word e.g. pig e.g….

But my Kids can’t do that… especially the Slum Kids

One of the biggest constraints on kids’ learning is the teacher’s attitude. And one of the biggest things I see is “but these kids can’t do that!” Have you ever worked with teachers like that? Today it happened with, of all themes, “Where are you from?” The excuses ranged from “but slum kids don’t have…

What problems do YOU have teaching English?

Yesterday I wrote about how important it is to find out what problems your teachers have when teaching English. So today I’d like to throw it open to you! Β What problems do YOU have (when teaching English)? Β You never know we might have the perfect solution hidden away somewhere on the site! Answers in the…

Fukuoka Workshop – Spaces Back On!

UPDATE: Β This workshop has now finished – thank you to everyone who came! Β To find out where I’ll be next, check outΒ the schedule page here. =================================

How to get Government School Teachers on your Side + more on Textbooks

(Thanks to everyone who sent in great comments yesterday! πŸ™‚ ) If you ever have to present to a group of teachers then it’s definitely worth trying the simple exercise below, otherwise you’ll spend all day with attitudes like “but inΒ our country ….” “butΒ in my school …” Doing the exercise, however, gets all their frustrations…