Author Archives: Richard Graham

Tourist Thailand

I’m really glad that I work with some great people in Thailand. Everybody is so helpful, really friendly and always super polite. But if I came here as a tourist I think I might walk away with a very different image. At first I thought the Bangkok taxi drivers were bad. A little over charging…

Try, try, try again!

Genki English rule number 2: Losing means try again! And it doesn’t half apply in real life as well.. . Today I was supposed to be filming some segments for the new Genki English TV series. First up the camera battery had mysteriously died so had to be recharged. Then the sound checks showed there…

New to teaching, what would you do?

I noticed that they were having free Thai lessons on the beach today, so in my break I pretended I didn’t speak any Thai ( not too far from the truth!) and popped along to see what they would do. From the start it was pretty obvious that although the lady in charge of the…

Success in 8 words & 3 minutes

One of the reasons that Genki English is successful is not just because of the songs, games and projects, but because of the “I can do it!” and “Try again!” philosophies beneath it. In high school this becomes even more important. With more and more children in developed countries having a lack of personal goals…

New Junior High Book + big free sample!

UPDATE: Β Both these books are now sold out. Β  Check out the Β Genki English Junior High School page.   I’ve been working on trying to bring this new book to you for quite a while. It’s the “Textbook Trail” as used by Altia Central in their Junior High School ( JHS) lessons. It’s basically everything…

How do you say … game?

How do you say … in English? is one of the most important phrases you can teach your kids. It’s so useful. But I’ve been having a hard time figuring out a good, fast and fun game to go with it. The idea I originally had was to put the kids in groups, and get…