Author Archives: Richard Graham

Blimey, this one just did 300k!

OK, this is getting a little crazy! Β  Β After the Genki Doctor, Doctor lesson getting over a million views on Tik Tok ( it’s now over 1.6m!) I uploaded another one, just to see if it was a fluke! This time it was for the What do you do? lesson. And you know what? Β …

If you want to be a Digital CEO Teacher ….

You’ve probably seen me in the “Digital CEO” hoodie and this week the Digital CEO courseΒ if open for enrollment. Β It’s where you can learn to be a Digital CEO Teacher and it’s also where I went this week to learn how to repeat the Tik Tok success! Β If you miss this enrollment you won’t be…

Getting 1.4m views on Tik Tok is cool. But this is waaaayy cooler ….

Blimey this is crazy, Β last week I thought 13k views on Tik Tok was HUGE, Β and then this happened!!!! Β Β    Which is pretty cool! But for me there’s something even better than this. Β It’s the comments. If you’re in any doubt about how much students love Genki English and really, really want the Genki…

Doctor, Doctor Updates!

Over on the VIP FB group we’ve been having a chat about the introduction to the Doctor, Doctor song and whether it’s too scary for younger kids! So I’ve just made up a new update where you have a choice to see the intro animation or not. I’ve also made a few graphical improvements. Bugs…

Obi Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Battle Game!

What madness is this, 2 Star Wars Days in One Month!!!! Β  (Just in case you didn’t hear, Disney+ is premiering the brand new Obi Wan Kenobi TV series today!!) And finally a chance to bring back the Obi Wan masks for the Star Wars Game!! P.S. Β  If you can’t find inflatable light sabers,…

What are the benefits of using songs in English language classes?

Over in one of my teaching groups a student was doing research and was asking for teachers’ views on using songs in the classroom. Β  As you can tell I’ve done quite a bit on this topic over the years, Β so here are my answers which I thought you might find useful! 1. What are…