Author Archives: Richard Graham

How long does it take to get to B2 level in English?

Today’s question from parents on the Genki English Social Media Calendar was “How long does it take to get to B2 level in English?” Hopefully this video will give you some ideas on how to answer it on your channels!     View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Richard Graham –…

Fun. Money. Results. Why you need all 3 as a teacher

It’s a strange quirk of the internet that whatever you write about you will always get someone complaining about it. For example when I write about fun ideas for lessons I always get emails from teachers saying things like “How dare you have fun in lessons, education should be serious at all times!” Errrr…. okay…

🀯 How is it possible for an English school to add an extra $265,000 in income?

Over in the Genki Business group we’ve linked up to some training where the guy is taking small businesses with an average of $35,000 per year income (which I think is similar to most private English teachers, would you think?) and, by putting different systems in place, adds them, on average, an extra $239,000 per…

How important is it to do English homework?

So Tuesday is “Questions from parents” day on the Genki Social Media calendar and as a few teachers have been a bit hesitant about starting I figured I’d try and join in to maybe give some ideas! Β Just like we tell our students, Β do it once a week and it will take you a long…

Social Media Feedback Time!

I hope you managed to pick up the Social Media Content Calendar last week – it should save you a lot of time in getting new students this year! And then this week, coming up on Monday 14th, we’ve a got social media feedback session. I’ll be going through as many of your social media…

Perfect for this week: Winter Sports!

I always recommend going through the Genki English lessons in Curriculum order for at least the first time you teach them. But of course adding in topical or “teachable moment” lessons is always something I highly recommend! Ninja Tip: Β All the Genki English are non-linear so the kids can learn any of them from zero,…