Author Archives: Richard Graham

Shoes, Fortnite & Movie Trailer Music: Why Genki English isn’t your average “kiddy music” & keeps the teacher cool :)

I’ve had quite a few people who’ve seen the dramatic movie trailer music I’ve recently produced (and the DC Stargirl scoring I did last week) and saying ย “I didn’t know you composed & produced music too!” The thing is, this is what makes Genki English different. These aren’t your average “kiddy songs” you find for…

Just in case you know anyone who needs a little Genkifying today!

Just in case you know anyone who needs a little Genkifying today ….. ย they can check out the Genki Disco Warm Up song on our Facebook page! The download version plus all the other songs are in the Teacher’s Set. And the iPad/iPhone/Android version is in the new student portal! Enjoy!        …

Are British teachers now banned from teaching in the EU? ( + Why this is good news for non-native speaker teachers!)

I put up a post on Facebook the other day saying: It looks like China banning private English lessons is serious. Brits are also now effectively banned from teaching in the EU. Are you prepared for all the regulatory changes that are coming in your country? I had a lot of teachers saying “British people…

โ˜•๏ธ Do you serve coffee?

More students for your school? ย  The genius that is Seth Godin, in his book “This is Marketing” talks about the “And we serve coffee” line. In a world where anyone can buy books on Amazon, ย the bookstores that survive offer something that Amazon can’t do. They sell coffee. That’s because coffee is better together….

The Quick Tip to Stop “Bad Behaviour”

There’s a video below with more details (for teenagers & adults too!), ย but I’ll keep this text version really quick…. Why does it happen? In most societies kids have no power. ย  The adults control everything! Small (and big) humans don’t like this so try to find ways to get back control. Kids quickly find…

How we can make you a better teacher in 30 minutes!

There are so many things we have to concentrate in lessons that our own performance, ย and what we can do to improve it, often falls by the way side. Very often we’re not even aware of some of the things that we are doing that could potentially be improved. ( And of course if we…