Author Archives: Richard Graham

β˜€οΈLet’s brighten up your day!

Hello, I hope things are going great this week! We hear a lot about how mobile phones are bad for kids. Β But it’s not really the phones that’s the problem, it’s the social media that’s the real villain! So kids definitely shouldn’t be on social media! But for teachers there is a LOT of very…

If you want even better results …

Sometimes humans have to slow down a touch, to make things understandable. Β But if we go too slow we lose momentum. A prime example is trying to learn English in just one hour per week. All the research (admittedly on non-Genki English teaching) shows once a week doesn’t work. It’s just far too slow to…

I didn’t start out teaching 1,000 kids at once, but it’s a HUGE opportunity for you!

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by πŸ”₯TEDx Speaker Richard Graham @ Genki English! (@genki_richard_graham)   I didn’t start out teaching 1,000 kids at once. I started with 30, making lots of mistakes and asking for lots of help! Then we put 2 classes together to make 60. Then 3 for…

Don’t make this mistake as a language teacher!

When you learn a language using songs (which is the best way by far to do it!) then it’s not about the listening. It’s when you starting *singing* the song that the magic happens! (92,000 Taylor Swift fans can’t be wrong πŸ™‚ ) So that’s why we have songs for every lesson in the Genki…