Author Archives: Richard Graham

⏰ Only 9 days to go before enrollment in this year’s advanced class closes!

Wow, there’s only a few days left till this year’s Advanced Genki English class closes for enrollment! Β  ( We start on November 1st so last date to get in is Midnight October 31st!) If you have advanced level student, Β if you are advanced level yourself and what to dramatically improve your English with me,…

πŸ”₯ 28 Success Secrets for Learning English

Inspired by the amazing success of Lola’s students I’ve just updated the “Success Secrets of Learning English” article containing all the tips and tricks I use to learn foreign languages. The originalΒ bilingual version is also available for Amazon Kindle. Enjoy! Success Secrets of Learning English by Richard Graham Hello, my name is Richard. You…

Just in case you’re inside all weekend, here’s a great review board game!

If you’re looking for a big review game and don’t have much space to move around, we’ve got a great game from Gaz: 1. Put piles of any mini cards you want to review on the red, blue, green and yellow squares of the “card sheet.” 2. Then when you land on one of the…

πŸ“¨ How to get invited to speak at TEDx?

I was at TEDx in Kotor this weekend. Β It’s a very different experience when you’re not actually speaking yourself! πŸ™‚ Lots of people always ask me “Just how do you get invited to speak at TEDx?” Β or indeed, how do you get invited to speak anywhere? You just need this one simple (maybe) thing!

πŸŽƒ The Genki English Halloween Pack!

As part of your Teacher’s Set you have a whole level of Halloween lessons. Β  You can either use them on their own or slot them into the curriculum in place of the non-halloween version. Β For example if you’re due to do Rooms of the House with Baby Monkey, Β you can swap it up for…

Advanced Genki English Facebook Group & First Workbook are ready for you!

We don’t start till November 1st but for those of you who bought tickets I just got the Advanced Genki English Facebook Group all set up for you and the first workbook is there for you to download! If you’ve purchased the course then you should be having an email very soon with all the…