There was some great feedback to yesterday’s post again ( do you say “twosday” or “chewsday”? And why is it OK to rote l...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Again thank you for all the great feedback on Friday! Here’s (hopefully!) the final Days of the Week song – the “hmmmm mix”. Β...
Wow! Thank you for everyone who helped withΒ choosingΒ the font the other day, there were so many responses and I’ll get them all collated soon....
We had a quite a lively discussion about fonts for the Days of the Week the other week. Gaz has been hard at work finding alternatives. Β But which on...
Here’s another game from Mido Farid, this time to go with the Β “How many?” lesson. Β Mido’s hopefully going to have some vid...
Margit has sent in this simple “no preparation” game to go with CD11‘s Days of the week and school subjects. 1. One player from grou...