Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

On May 14th I weighed 77.7 kg. ย  A bit fat! I only had computer work coming up for the next 4 weeks. So for a month I went on a diet and went ย to th...

Here’s a very nice email from Margit, who organised a Genki English workshop in her town last year and liked it so much she’s doing anothe...

We videod a fair chunk of the workshop on Saturday, and here are some of the games & songs videos for you. ย The more in depth and theory parts in...

Mido Farid has sent in another game, this one is called “Pig!” ย It’s a review of any question! Put a chair in the middle of the cla...

One of the biggest constraints on kids’ learning is the teacher’s attitude. And one of the biggest things I see is “but these kids c...

Yesterday I wrote about how important it is to find out what problems your teachers have when teaching English. So today I’d like to throw it op...