Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Gaz has just sent in his latest creation, some amazing Halloween masks based on theΒ Trick or Treat song. My initial reaction was “Wow, please s...

If you look on the right hand side of theΒ blog main page I’ve just added in new links to my workshops & travels in Β Siem Reap, Cambodia,Β ...

The videos of breakfasts around the world on theΒ What would you like for breakfast? page is proving really popular with the kids. But of course if yo...

Here’s a really different email I got the other day from Jeffrey down in Oita! Here is our fine line of Rancho Lincko Pumpkins for 2009. We have...

One of the other video requests last week was for the “Where are you going?” theme. This is always my go to song if I ever get a class of ...

Thank you for such an amazing response to CD10 yesterday. Β It was not only great to have such stress relief from you all testing it so thoughougly, b...