Breakfast Videos from Around the World

The videos of breakfasts around the world on theΒ What would you like for breakfast? page is proving really popular with the kids. But of course if your classroom isn’t online you can’t use them in class. Until now…

Because I’ve just added in new links whereΒ VIP members can download the videos to use offline!

I’ve also added a new Japanese and a new Austria breakfast video for you (thank you Flossy for the reminder!)

(Videos are part way down the page)

If you’re in a country we’ve not covered yet then please video your breakfast, put it on Youtube and send me a link so we can share it with students all over the world. It’s a great way to see how other people start the day!

Have you tried these videos yet?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Breakfast Videos from Around the World”

  1. Sevy28

    I haven’t tried these videos but I’ll try them soon and telle you how it’s going.
    Nice Australian breakfast.

  2. Margit

    thanks a lot to make the downloads possible for us. This is a great help.

    In the beginning I still had a problem. I could download it, but when I took the USB stick to school they had a filter in their system. We somehow went around that with one computer, but on the laptop to use it still didn’t work…

    Anyway, my husband had a great idea, and I want to share for anybody who doesn’t know yet. (Maybe it sounds stupid to people who are used to technical stuff, but I was surprised this is possible):
    We put all the videos on my i-pod.
    I’m having a cable I can connect to TV or projector, so with this it is very easy to show the videos in school.

    Last comment about my experience with the videos:

    I’ve showed them in several of my private classes. 4th graders and 6th graders.
    The discovery I made was again how great it is to use Genki English:

    The 4th graders, who have less than 1 years experience of lessons but since last spring use the CDs at home and do the games and songs for homework got all the information from the videos:
    “Wow, pancakes in india are not sweet but spicy. Oh, they’re called DOSA…!”

    The 6th graders, who learn since a longer time, but don’t have the CDs at home and do GE only temporarily had a hard time understanding the important things.
    I had to ask questions like “Is this Japanese breakfast? Is this pancake sweet?… ” to give them clues.

    I think this kind of videos is great, and I’m working hard on my technical skills to become able to take part in this video sharing. It will take me a while, but I’ve increased my knowledge within the last 3 weeks enormously and my goal is to make a first video project within this year.

  3. richard

    Got a cool video coming up on Monday to make all the tech issues fade away – like I showed you in the workshop the other week!

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