I woke up in Siam Reap, got breakfast, had a great chat about the project and about the amazing things that are being done with education in Ontario before getting a tuk – tuk for the ride back to the airport and then Bangkok.

I crashed for the night at Joel‘s house. He’s also doing some amazing projects for education in Asia. I tell you this best thing about this trip has been meeting some amazingly bright people and listening to all the things they are doing to promote sustainable development through education. It’s such an exciting, vibrant and positive community of people all working to do great things, and I’m even more shocked when I can keep up with them!

Plus being in Bangkok seemed really “easy” after Cambodia and India. No need to worry about water born disease or dust killing anything electrical or mechanical, plus being able to speak the language and knowing the food makes a huge difference!

I lay awake tonight looking out over Bangkok and thinking what an amazing place Asia is to be in.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Cambodia to Bangkok”

  1. teodora

    please tell me how are prople there .

  2. Flossy

    It sounds like this has also been a very fulfilling trip for you and GE. Of course you are keeping up with the others, no question!!

    I think that teaching English in developing countries or places with very little opportunities for the children is so vital. Being able to speak English will open so many doors to the children in their futures. I also beleive that GE can help build confidence whilst learning. There are not many ways to spent 20 fun minutes teaching something that stays in your students head forever!! (well most students!)

    Keep up all the good work you are doing Richard, you really do make a difference!

  3. Amanda Pym

    I’ve just discovered Genki English and I think it is really fantastic!!!!! I teach in a small village in the heart of Andalucia, Spain where the children don’t speak any English in class but learn lists of verbs and are told by the teachers that they can’t speak- they have to just listen to them!!!!! It would be great to see this stuff being used here!!!! I definately want to use it next year- or perhaps even sooner!!!!! I loved the halloween resources- I did the apple bobbing with my students but without water- it worked really well!!!!
    thanks alot Genki English!!!

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