Category Archives: ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ India

Government School Teachers in Delhi

(We haven’t gotten permission to use the video of today yet, so here’s a clip from my day off in Delhi to enjoy!) All the research indicates that private school teachers, even in low income areas, are much better than government school teachers. Hence this week we were a little apprehensive about training. But screening…

ASPIRE Training India – Part 1

This week we had four days of training split between Genki English and Jolly Phonics. The teachers were all hand picked from private schools in low income areas and they were amazing! Right from the start I did a mini warm up and even the school owners and head teachers were joining in! I guess…

Genki Packs in India + Funky Transportation!

Just started the huge new Genki English project in Delhi. ย This time they’ve put all the materials in these cool metal cases! ย And just look how we transport them around town! Hopefully I’ll have more videos of the week long training soon, but for the time being, check outย my previous India projects ย with lots of…

Genki in the Boston Globe

The Boston Globe has just done a long piece on one of the schools I’ve been working with in India, and how it could be a model to solve the world’s education crisis! Class Difference – Boston Globe

People are the Key

One of the things that kept coming up last week was an objection to the games because the classrooms were so packed. But as you saw in the videos for most of the schools it was a bit of an excuse. However today we had so many kids packed in one tiny room! Just looking…

Rote Learning is Appalling

Talk about chalk and cheese, this morning’s school was 100% different from yesterday. It’s actually the school whose teachers I spoke to on Friday and was very impressed by. However they weren’t putting anything into practice. They’d been doing the songs, and the kids liked them, but they hadn’t been teaching the meaning of the…