CD12 Deal Coming soon, Download Pack Menu Upgrades & One Theme Has to Go!!

UPDATE: ย Thanks to everyone for your feedback on this, vol. 12 is now on sale!

OK, first off I’m working on getting a special deal sorted for those of you who didn’t get on the Beta Test yesterday, keep your fingers crossed and a sharp eye on the blog!

Number 2, if you did get the beta test, here’s the file to upgrade your Download Pack menu to include vol. 12

(Please read the “readme” file inside the zip file – the main menu will stay the same but the Halloween and Christmas sub menus will miraculously fill with new Genkiness!)

This should also work for those of you on the Homework Programme – but just email me before you implement it.

And finally…. CD12 is too big!!! ย There are too many themes to fit on a physical CD!

So one theme has to go! Which one…. I want you to decide!

To keep it positive, please write up your favourite 5 themes from vol. 12 in the comments below, the one that gets the least votes will, sadly, be booted off the CD! ย 8( ย (This should give a much better result than everyone voting for their least favourite!)

I wonder which one it will be??

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

27 Responses to “CD12 Deal Coming soon, Download Pack Menu Upgrades & One Theme Has to Go!!”

  1. Margit

    …and, Richard,
    if we put up our best votes, that might well mean that one of the best topics has to go.
    Will it stay in the download software?

  2. Kobekid

    Hey Richard and Margit!

    sorry if you have already posted this, but is there anyway to get an upgrade that includes vols 11 and 12 to the menu?

  3. Keith

    Five best…that’s difficult. They’re all great! Here’s my picks anyways:

    1. Coloured Beards
    2. Skeleton Soup
    3. Where is the spider?
    4. Gingerbread Man
    5. Haunted House

    I hope that helps!

  4. mieco

    vol.12ใ€€ Coloured BeardsใŒ็‰นใซๅฅฝใใงใ™ใ€‚

  5. Gumby

    Hi Richard,
    I know that you asked for favorites, BUT the “I want to be” one the only one that is used on another CD. It is a very clever way to reuse the language and personally I love it. However it would be such a shame to have to cut any other song that you wrote. They are all great! I’m very happy to hear that it will still be a part of the download pack.

  6. Margit

    OK my choice:

    1. Gingerbreadman
    2. Haunted House
    3. Coloured beards
    4. Thanksgiving
    5. Where is the spider?

    Uh, if any of these 5 songs won’t be on the CD, I hope it will make many people buy the download pack.

    And as I think you want kid’s choices as well, my daughter loves:

    1 Haunted house
    2 I want to be a …(she found this so funny, as she knows the other song already, and it is such a cool and clear example of how easy it is to use same structures in different contexts)
    3 Let’s decorate the Christmas Tree
    4 Shapes on the Christmas tree
    5 Where’s the spider?

    I hope this helps.

  7. Janet Gray

    My favorites are: Look at Me! Shapes, Robot, Days of the Week.

  8. Jennifer

    Hi – tough choice but I would take Christmas off… teaching in a Jewish country Christmas is not an essential topic and could be added as an extra closer to the date…
    Ironically – the kids love it because it is different and strange to them!
    Good luck!

  9. Nena

    Hi Richard,
    Too bad you need to eliminate one!
    Here are my favorite ones in order :
    1. Haunted house (I love the details…how the people in the room are different each time you click on the room…FANTASTIC GRAPHICS!
    2. Where is the spider? (REALLY CUTE!)
    3. Colored beards
    4. Let’s make a monster
    5. Thanksgiving

    Hope it helps you decide!
    thanks again for your generosity!

  10. Bob

    Cutting any one of these has to hurt! I had a tough time picking my personal top 5, but here you go…

    1. Let’s make a monster
    2. Where is the spider
    3. Colored beards (yes, I can spell)
    4. Skeleton soup
    5. Haunted house

    I’m really glad I have the download pack…I would hate to miss you on one of these.
    Good luck making a tough choice.

  11. sussie

    Hi Richard!
    It’s tough to choose, but I asked my sons (9 years) and here are their favourites (and I have to say I agree!)

    1. I want to be… (they know the other one and think this is really cool!)
    2.Haunted house
    3. Skeleton soup
    4. Where’s the spider
    5. Let’s make a monster

    As you can see, it’s all the scary stuff!

    Personally I never teach colours and shapes because they do that so much at school they’re really sick of it, and the same goes for Christmas themes.
    That said, it’s a pity to lose any one of these themes, since they’re all so well done.

    Good luck with the choice!

  12. Nathalie

    These are my five favourites:

    coloured beards
    skeleton soup
    where is the spider
    I want to be
    haunted house

    Sad that one has to go, but I’m sure it’ll reappear later!

  13. Darina Kocurova

    All right, hereยดs my list:
    – Letยดs make monster
    – Coloured beards
    – Skeleton Soup
    – Where is the spider
    – Haunted House

    My personal opinion is to leave out Christmas shapes since one whole CD is already dedicated to Christmas and also there is “a shape song” on the CD 11.

  14. Jocely Kikuchi

    Hi Richard,
    Thank you for giving a second chance to the people who are late-viewers( myself). I got a chance to read all the comments above with their matching favorite ranking GE songs. It seems we differ a lot. Well a bit tough decision to make but this is my honest favorite alignment.
    1) Where are the X’mas present
    2) What would you like for X’mas
    3) Winter clothes
    4) Happy Halloween
    5) I want to be a.. or Coloured beards
    Thank you

  15. Amanda Pym

    I didn’t do the beta test but am waiting to buy CD 12!!! I’m looking forward to new Xmas and Halloween songs as my students know the old Genki songs backwards!!!!

  16. Melinda

    This is my choice:
    1.Haunted house
    2.Skeleton soup
    3.Let’s make a monster
    4.Where is the spider
    5.Gingerbread man

  17. Carol

    Ok here goes:

    Haunted House
    Where’s the Spider?
    Decorate the Christmas tree

  18. Lines

    Here I go:
    1/ I love colored beards because my pupils love pirates a lot, they love learning with it and they tell me about Sparrow (the pirate from the film) and the clothes he wears and also the colour of his bear. (colours, face and clothes)
    2/ Let’s make a monster ( body) because my pupils love art and they draw a monster following the song. The best picture is the winner.
    3/ where is the spider because I place genki english pictures on my classroom walls and pupils have to put he spider (following the song)in the the place they listen.
    4/ Hounted House because in all the enlish books about Halloween there is a Hounted House and it’s one basic vocabulary pupils have to learn and we can teach it in Halloween , at Christmas… and who is…
    They can draw different monsters in the rooms and speak about their own hounted house.
    5/ I want to be a… because the can learn jobs better if they learn before this song (pupils in spain love halloween)
    All of them are great and my pupils love your songs and materials a lot so… THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

  19. wilson

    Richard my best ones are:

    lest make a monster
    gingerbread man
    where is the spider
    coloured beards

    thank you my friend

  20. James

    I’d have to say the haunted house, skeleton soup, coloured beards, I want to be a …, and the gingerbread man.

  21. Suzanne

    This was difficult, but my top 5 are:

    1. Skeleton Soup
    2. Let’s Make a Monster
    3. Coloured Beards
    4. Let’s Decorate the Christmas Tree
    5. Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanks so much.

  22. Lorena

    Hi Richard,
    When I chose the five ones, I was thinking of the length, rhythm, new vocabulary, and appealing contents my my students. According to these characteristics, the chosen topics were the following:
    1.Coloured Beard: nice song, students love pirates, and the rhythm is easy on the ear.
    2.Happy Thanksgiving: itโ€™s a new song and great vocabulary to teach anytime of the year.
    3. What do you want to be for Halloween: Students love the song.
    4.Christmas tree: the melodious song engages students and I have many ideas now to teach vocab to kindergarteners.
    5.Skeleton soup: my 4th grade students are fascinated with these kinds of topics. Easy vocabulary and new rhythm.
    Thanks for your hard work.

  23. Kirra

    Here are my top 5:

    Gingerbread man
    Let’s Make a Monster
    Coloured Beards
    Christmas Tree
    Haunted House

    I thought Skeleton Soup was really funny too, but it didn’t make my top five list because it was not clear from the animation that the skeleton was “giving” his bones to the cook. I sure kids would still enjoy and learn from Skeleton Soup, so it is my runner up.

  24. Carolyn

    My 5 favorite songs on Vol. 12 are the following:
    1. Gingerbread Man (am just getting ready to use this story to teach 1st and 2nd graders with the “I can” theme – this song will help reinforce the vocabulary)
    2. Let`s Make a Monster (very funny and great for teaching body parts; also I like that it has 3 levels of songs)
    3. Haunted House (great for teaching the “Who is…” theme and the rooms of a house; I like that it also includes lots of things to talk about – things that are inside and outside the house)
    4. Where is the Spider (very cute and funny way to teach the prepositions – nice to have the Halloween Theme option with this song).
    5. Happy Thanksgiving (very nice because I haven`t found many Thanksgiving theme songs to teach before)

    Thank you!!

  25. Paulbecky

    Great job again, Richard! These are my five favorites!
    1. Haunted House
    2. Where’s the spider
    3. Happy Thanksgiving
    4. Decorate the Christmas Tree
    5. Gingerbread Man – what a wonderful way to combine teaching with storytelling AND song!

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