UPDATE:  These offers have no finished – hope you enjoyed them! 

I’ve got something big planned for you tomorrow (fingers crossed!) so today we just have a few little bits of news:


New Software Download Pack (+Upgrades)

If you’ve previously purchased the MP3 download pack, you can now upgrade to the new Software Download Pack i.e. all the illustrated versions of the songs & mini lessons, the pronunciation guides and computer games. The price is simply the difference from what you originally paid e.g. $19 or $27.99 or $37.99 which is a bit of a bargain really. Just send me an email and I’ll send you the link.

If you haven’t bought the pack yet, take a look. If you can use a laptop in class it makes a huge difference.


New talking “Phrase a Day” Blog for Parents

You might have seen the link on the right already, but I’ve just started a new “Phrase a Day” blog for parents. It’s designed to be a fun, easy way for parents to try and add in a little English every day. My Mum did the recordings so they are all nice and soft and not at all scary for the parents!

(Whilst you’re over there it would be cool if you could vote for it by pressing the blue button on the right!)


Last Day for Kids English Discount

UPDATE:  These offers have no finished – hope you enjoyed them! 




Kids Englishタイトル

I mentioned this last week, but today is the last day of the huge Kids English set discount. From tomorrow (October 1st)  the price goes up from 62,790 yen to 220,000 yen, so if you’re interested then today is the day to get your order in!

In preparation for the price increase I’ve jazzed up the Japanese description page to include details of all the prize winning artists who wrote the picture books with me, plus feedback from customers and a letter from the TV star who used the materials in “Wataru seken wa oni bakari” – which I guess is the Japanese equivalent of Coronation Street or Dallas?

Right, I’m back to work on the present I have for you tomorrow, or if you can’t wait, there’s a little bit of info in the owners’ forum!

Be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!