Genki English from International Space Station

UPDATE:  You might want to check the date of this article! 😉   Or check out the  “Scratch N Sniff” Flashcards! 🙂



saturnIf you’ve had a look at my workshop schedule you might have noticed that I’m going to be in Russia in September.

This means I’ve pretty much given workshops all over the planet from China to Africa, from Europe to India.

And, as some of you may know, my degree was in Physics so I also used to teach the NASA Spacelink and Moonlink projects.  (And I’ve also given a class on space vehicles to the UK’s Air Training Corps.)

So …. whilst I’m in Russia I am going to be doing regular workshops there (please do come along) but also, as part of the International Space Agency’s Educational Outreach programme, there will also be a mini Genki English workshop …. from… wait for it ……    the International Space Station!

Needless to say it is an amazing honour, but I am also totally terrified!

Well, not of the going into space part, but the pressure of having to do a workshop up there – and I thought my TED talk in November was going to be the scariest thing this year! 8)

There is going to be a lot of science and I really want to get the Superhero lesson in there somewhere – can you imagine how awesome that is going to be in zero gravity! – but … I need your help,  what other Genki English lessons do you think I should do?

Do let me know in the comments!

If I do end up using your idea in September I’ll be sure to give you a shout out ….. from space!!!!

Be genki,


P.S.  Yes, I do have a lot of work to do to get physically in shape by then – fingers crossed!

P.P.S.  The winner of last month’s comment competition was …. Carolina!  If you’d like to win a Genki English Vol. of your choice (maybe the new vol. 13?) get commenting on the blog. Each month I pick one comment at random to be the winner, the more you comment the more chance you have to win!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

14 Responses to “Genki English from International Space Station”

  1. Hilaina

    Wow! That’s amazing! Out of this world!!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Gumby

    Congratulations on both the International Space Agency’s program and TED! You are my inspiration in so many ways!

    Just a couple of recommendations if you want to specifically target the Space Agency:
    the days of the week song with the planet flashcards 😉

    and “What do you want to be?” with a special astronaut to use at the end!

    The mingle game should be a blast in zero gravity!

  3. dan burgess

    Hi Richard.
    I’m reeealy happy to hear about your “spaced out” trip to the space station. . . wait a minute. . . We had a canadian who went to space. . . . Guy Laliberté a multi gazillionnaire who owns Cirque de Soleil. . .He had to learn russian, and train for more than a year! And you’re going to space in SEPTEMBER ? ? ? . . . I’m smelling APRIL FOOLS here. . . Am I right? ? ?
    😉 Dan from Quebec, Canada

  4. Mark Armstrong

    Did anyone notice the date on this blog entry?

  5. Stephen Bartolo

    Great news about TED and the International Space Agency’s program. I often listen to TED, so it would be great to hear what you have to say. I’m sure you will do a great job on both fronts!!!

    I think you could do heaps of lessons for the space station. How about,

    – having the astronauts look at the window and asking them hows the weather in Australia, Japan, America, or whatever country they can see? Or what can they sing to your song What can you see, under the space station. (I can see Canada. I can see America, I can see an ocean, etc).
    – What’s your favorite space food?
    – Where’s the toilet? Where’s the kitchen?
    – Whats this? Whats that?

    I guess its too late for an Easter egg hunt. Hiding eggs in the international space station would have been a hoot. Heads shoulders knees and toes in space would be cool too.

    Wow Richard, you are so lucky to have such exciting things to look forward to!!!

  6. Kobekid

    Fantastic Richard! But not totally unexpected… just another year in the life of a Superhero eh?

  7. Ewa

    You nearly got me. I was reading your post and thought: ‘WHAT???’ I know you’re brilliant and all but… And then it hit me. Today’s the April Fool’s day. A good one Richard!


  8. Norbert

    WAIT; did I get this right???!!! Are YOU going up into space or “just” the Genki English material??? Can you clarify that because if it’s the first then you are one lucky “b******” 😉 (of course in a friendly way 😉 ) And I still don’t believe it until I see it 😉

    Congratulations, man!!!

  9. Julia

    Hi Richard!
    I’ve had no doubt that your genkiness will lead you to the upper spheres! Congratulations!

    We’ve been waiting for you since long ago!
    Here’s an evidence that GE was well known in Russia and has been used during the preparation of the astronauts for flights into space

    And please don’t be terrified cos you have friends, and we know you can make it good! 😉

    As for the lessons, there would be much fun if you do the GenkiEnglish Warm up and teach “What time is it?” with flying from Mr. Wolf.

    Keep fit!

  10. Stephen

    HI Richard
    Ho Ho Ho!!
    I can’t believe nobody has realised that it’s the 1st April.
    Nice one mate.

  11. Stephen Bartolo

    Here’s my idea.

    Put my picture on a flashcard, and teach the students g for gullible.

    That’s the last time I write a comment without checking the date first!!!!


  12. bernie

    You’re a good ‘space cadet’ on land, so its okay that you are keeping close to ground zero even as a ‘superhero’ here. At home or in outer space you fly high. Its all so Genki!! Your originality even on the first day of April is so cool.

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