Got no time? Here’s how to get lots of it!

One of the biggest “reasons” I get in my workshops for not learning new things or putting off implementing new ideas is..

“But I’ve got no time!”

I can quiteΒ sympathise!

However it’s not usually a case of “having no time”, after all we each have only 24 hours each day, it’s just that most of us haven’t been taught how to manage our time properly. Β So what is time management? Β And how do we do it?

Well in this video I share two of my top tips I use to get so much done. Β (One of them I learnt from the Thai Prime Minister.)

You’re going to love having your time back to yourself, so grab a coffee and enjoy!

Did you find this useful? Comments on the blog please!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

29 Responses to “Got no time? Here’s how to get lots of it!”

  1. Adam

    I’m going to try this today. And, I can take my daughter to school and I can wake her up a little early to do some exercise together and I can eat breakfast with her and I can teach my kindergarteners a cool card game and I can practice the Christmas play with them.

  2. Liliana

    Thank you, Richard! I really focused 100% on what you’ve said and it is already helping me or I wouldn’t be commenting right now, because I’m that kind of person who thinks 24 hours are not enough!I’ll try to follow your two tips,

  3. Meila

    Thank you, Richard! You always cheer us up, and bring so much positive energies to us!

  4. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    Nice to see you wherever I see you!

    From my personal experience: when I said ‘I have to do something’ life changed into a job with many unpayed things. And when I waited that somebody at least said ‘Thank you’ but it didn’t happen, I felt hurt and took offence at the whole world. That was neither good nor healthy. And it was pretty tough.
    Now I prefer to find pleasure in whatever I do.

    Send my cheers to you!

  5. Liza

    I like to block time in on my calender (literally colour in blocks in the space provided): block off 2hrs for doing x, 1 hr for doing y, 3 hrs for doing z etc and do it!. And as you say, concentrating 100 % on what I’m doing at the time, barring emergencies.

  6. Valentina

    That you so much for your top tips Richard. You made my day.

  7. Silvia

    Thank you very much Richard for this kind advice. I like this two tips, actually sometimes I apply the first one, and you have reminded me to stay focused on it. About the second one, I’m gonna try hard because I am the kind of person that thinks of what I have to do next before I have finished the previos thing. I think that worry makes me waste time, so thank you very much!

  8. Gumby

    and another big thank you from me, Richard! Sometimes your timing is scary. These were just the things I needed to hear right now….

  9. Kiwi Al

    Nice video however the second tip always gets me in trouble with my wife as I’m 100% focused on something and don’t listen to her.

  10. Valentina

    I always follow my thougths and try to switch them from the automatic ones to the new ones or pozitive/constructive ones, but often I do the same things or think abuot the same things. So wheh I read a good book or I wathc a good movie or somebody like you, Richard, reminds me how is the right way to think than my life changes in couple o minutes, ammazing, isn’t it! 24 hours – plenty time, from now, to do what I want and what I can! Yeaaaaaaaaaa! I’m happy only thinking of it:)

  11. cAROLINA

    Congrats Rich!, Im studying for being a teacher here in Argentina, but I`ve already my own students at home, and your advices are very useful. So thanks a lot! Gosh, you have so much energy!! that`s really important for kids, they are really motivated by our behaviour or ways of facing the day, the class, the life!…God bless you.

  12. Carlos

    Interesting about the Thai Prime Minister. Yet I always find that very difficult as I have someone or some teachers always nearby who take that away as they ask me things. Can’t tell them to wait.
    Yet I have found that a TO DO list the night before is just as good as doing it in the morning. You wake up knowing your day is in order of what you can do.

  13. Aylin

    This is a great gift. I think many people will benefit from watching your video and passing these tips on to others. Thanks, Richard.

  14. Kerrie

    Hi Richard! Yes this was very helpful! I will try i t now! It made me think of many things, like you mentioned, in the things that we say we have do we are actually very fortunate – like going to work means you’ve got a job; taking the kids to school or sport or whatever means you’ve got kids; looking after your mum means you’ve got a mum….etc…. Anyway am going to try it and also simplify my life! Have a great day everyone!

  15. Flor

    Hi !!
    It is a great idea, I was thinking on me like the rabbit with the big clock and running all the time but now I am going to take your advice thank you.

  16. Mary Di Pasquo

    Hi, Richard! Your piece of advice on time management sounds great! I’m going to try both tips because I often suffer from the consequences of that stressful feeling you describe so well.The key point seems to be a change from a negative attitude to a more positive one: the replacement of “have to” (obligation and necessity) for “can” (possibility and ability).
    Thank you!

  17. Mr.Rainbow

    Once again you hit spot on! πŸ˜‰

    I recently did just that, focusing on the job at hand.
    Before I tried to multitask all the time, and didn’t understand why things were moving sooo slow when I was doing so much at once?! πŸ˜€

    Then I turned off the music, PC, mobile and just concentrated on getting those English classes planned… what normally took me 3~4 hours was done in 2!

    I have now applied this to almost everything I do, and things really do get done much much faster AND because I’m focusing 100% the results are also much better πŸ˜‰

    Don’t know about the “blank slate” in the morning, think I’m too busy in the morning to actually think about all the things I got to do hehe

  18. Nopri

    Dear Richard,
    Seeing you in this video, make me realize how I want to get a lots time to talk and smile as confident as you are, although everything is screaming that they want to be done:p
    And as always, I’ll try to do what you’ve just shared. Thanks:)

    Ps: I wonder whether we can talk to you directly, in live chat or something like that hehehe…

  19. fusa

    Thanks, Richard.
    The ideas you told us are quite useful.
    I will change the way I think from today.

  20. heba abdelaziz

    Thanks. Thinking that way is really relaxing!!

  21. Eiena

    Hello, Richard. Thank you very much for your great, great work you’ve done and still doing for thousands of teachers all over the world. I’m a believer and asked God how should I manage my time to do lots of things. And He answered me through you. I’ll try and I’m sure it’ll work because it’s His way of thinking. All blessings to you.

  22. Marta

    Thank you so much for that, Richard! This is such a positive thinking, I think really the change from “have to” to “can” makes a huuuuge difference! To put it that way, we really CAN feel lucky and blessed that we can do so many things with our life. That was awesome!

  23. Ewa

    We all choose how we spend our time. It’s up to us. And I’ve once heard that when you say’ I don’t have time for this’ what you’re really saying is ‘It’s not my priority right now’.

  24. Vanessa Gomez

    Incredible! My day has just changed after listening to these wonderful tips. I can start seeing life from another point of view. Thank you so much, you’re such an inspiration for all of us!

  25. Anastasia

    It’s amazing!
    I like it so much! To say ‘I can’ instead ‘I have to’- brilliant!
    I can start practice it right now for a hundred percent.
    Thanks a lot!

  26. Tamara

    Thank you for sharing the tips, Richard! They are fantastic and very timely πŸ™‚

  27. Agnes

    Thank you Richard! Very helpful tips! xxx

  28. Gurneet

    Your energy is infectious. Thank You for pushing us all with your efforts!

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