How to be the hottest school in town + Competition Winner!


Want to be the best English school in town? ย Here’s how we’re going to do it!

With the new term starting soon I’ve got lots of teachers wanting to join the Genki English Homework System.

It’s a great way to boost not only the kids’ English level – by amazing amounts – but also your school’s income level. ย Which always helps in this economy.

One problem we’ve ย always had is the time it takes for all the parents to get on board.

Usually 2 or 3 parents go for it the first year, more parents see the results and want to join the 2nd year and then it takes 3 years to get all the parents using it.

By then you’re going to be so far ahead of any school in your town it’s crazy.

But, of course, we don’t all have 3 years to wait. ย Plusย I know quite a lot of teachers are quite shy about asking for all the parents to pay at once.

Just for you ….

So just for this year, and just for a few schools, I’ve got a new plan for you!

Basically here instead of the (usually) $240 upfront fee, you just add $20 a month over the next year onto the regular fees.

This makes it really easy to get everyone on board straight away.

(Now to be honest, in most cases where we’ve offered the option of ย payment plans or paying upfront, parents always go for paying up front. ย But … I figured this way is easier for teachers to work with!)

Obviously doing payments every month is more work on my side and as I’m probably going to have to hire another assistant to manage the system there is a catch, in that I’m going to need a minimum of 20 students from your school to enter.

The idea is that all the kids will have the materials, get amazing results and that will make you the best school in town.

By far!

What would you spend an extra $2,400 on this year?

Plus of course with 20 kids that’s an extra $2,400 of income for you this year. ย And I’m sure you can already imagine ways to spend that!

As usual, if you’re interested, email me. ย Or if you have any questions then do write them up in the comments.

And just remember, your competition is probably reading this too! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Be genki,


P.S. ย The winner of last month’s comment competition was …. Jennifer!ย  If you’d like a chance to win a Genki English CD of your choice, get commenting on the blog – the more you comment the more chance you have to win!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

2 Responses to “How to be the hottest school in town + Competition Winner!”

  1. Anjum

    Hello Richard
    I am anjum from Pakistan
    I have my own school from 2010 my parents run that school now I want to hold the whole school
    The strength of school is just 80 students
    What changings I should do to increase my school fees
    The town where my school is located is full of labour community and they are not rich to bear their expenses and can not pay high class fee
    So please give me some tips to increase my school strength
    And also fee

  2. Richard Graham

    Anjum, in Pakistan the key is to offer as many extra services as possible, so try packaging together maths, science as well as English. And also make sure the kids are getting not only great English skills but also progressing with exams too, the parents really love that and that is how you build the word of mouth marketing!

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