It’s time for your Jar of Awesomeness!

If you want your kids to be happy this year then the “Jar of Awesomeness” technique is a fantastic tool to combat the negativity of the news and social media.

You can do it either at home or at school and all you do is to collect, draw or write down whenever something cool, funny or memorable happens.

At home that can be tickets to trips out, ย bits of packaging from cool foods or toys or even printed photos.

At school it can be assignments or cards from games or songs or seasonal things collected from outside or anything where people smiled.

You just put them in a big jar as you go through the year.

Then at the end of the year you pull them all out and relive all the happy memories from the year. ย ๐Ÿ™‚ ย  Usually we forget happy memories more easily than sad ones ( just like it takes 7 positive comments on social media to balance just one negative comment – so thank you for all your nice comments!) so the more happy memories we can keep and cherish, the happier our memories of the year will be. ย  ย As one of the teachers with the gratitudes exercise last week said “Actually, last year was a really good year!”

And for VIPs….ย 

If you’re an awesome VIP Member (right now lifetime VIP membership comes with the Teacher’s Set) ย we also have the Jar of Awesomeness as one of the amazing imagination worksheets:

Ninja Tip: ย These worksheets work great not only for younger kids for imagination but also for older kids to help banish the dreaded “white page syndrome” when writing!

And in the Teacher’s Setย & Student sets there is also the Jar of Awesomeness song with some very awesome guitars! ๐Ÿ™‚


And I just added the whole New Vol. 15 “Oh My!” Level Workbook to the VIP Printables page! Enjoy!

VIP members can also directly load it from the link here!

Update 2: ย  And here are the A4 Flashcards for all the new vol. 15 lessons!

And mini cards!


If you get theย Teacher’s Setย this month (or you bought or upgraded it in the last year – thank you!) you’ll have the latest versions of all the Vol. 15 “Oh My!” lessons to use right now!

Be genki,



Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!