Mix ‘n’ Match & Pic Packs A&B

I made a couple of big changes to the site today. The first is splitting the printed/laminated picture card packs in two. Quite a few people already have the cards for CDs 1 to 4, but were getting fed up with the all the hassles of printing out lots of the new ones. After trying to print out cards on my little printer for Saturday’s workshop, I quite agree, running out of ink and paper getting torn and stuff just isn’t worth the hassle! So now you can buy the CD5 & CD6 cards on their own. It’s quite nice that both the CD1-4 and the CD5&6 sets work out at around 200 cards each.

The next big change is that I’ve made the big discount CD packs into a “CD Owners Club” only offer. This means that instead of ordering 15 copies of any one CD to get the less than half price, you can mix and match any of the CDs as long as the total order is 15 or more. This is particularly good for your second or third order as new parents will probably want to buy CD1, and other parents may want to move on to CD2 or the new CD3. Plus of course you can add in a copy of CD6 for yourself for 1,980 yen!

I’ve also put an article on the site on how to use the GE computer games in class. A few teachers have been scratching their heads on why the games are designed how they are. Have a look at the article and the head scratching will change into “ooooo”!


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!