New “Giant” & “High” Level Workbooks

Inbetween his preparations for the next Winter Olympics (seriously!) and of course  his regular teaching, Hugo has done two more workbook covers for you,  this time for the Giant and High Levels!

workbookgiant1 workbookhigh2

Ninja Tip:  You can find all the workbooks so far on this page.

Now what happened to all our excuses for not having time to get everything done??? 🙂

As always it’s your feedback that keeps these coming, so if you want more, let us know in the comments!

Be genki,


P.S.   I also had the idea of maybe doing certificates for each of the curriculum levels.   What do you think, good idea? Bad idea?  Let me know in the comments if you’d like us to try and make some for you – the current certificates have certainly proved very popular.


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

9 Responses to “New “Giant” & “High” Level Workbooks”

  1. Trevor

    Great work! The kids I teach love these workbooks. They love getting the news ones and they love working through them and checking off their achievements. For a teacher it is just a great resource that motivates the kids and also helps you track where each student is at.

    A certificate for each level is an idea, but kids just seem to get certificates and trophies etc.. etc.. for everything these days.

    How about something a bit different, such as a challenge page for each level. It could include some challenges and/or a presentation.

    For example for the Giant level feature above.
    Challenge ; How many clock cards can you read in 30 seconds?
    Presentation ; I live in… It’s a…. town. In summer I .. In winter … . Last summer/winter I… .


  2. gumby

    Trevor, great idea.
    In Japan the big key phrase for English education is
    “Can Do”. Giving the students a chance to shine and remind themselves of what they “can do” is always a huge motivational boost.

  3. Emmanuelle

    On / off is fairly easy for children 🙂
    My 2-3-4-5-6 years old love it!

    Some of the first levels songs are quite difficult ( How old are you? for under 5’s is a little difficult and not something you can actually use over and over… )

    How about preparing a giant workbook with lots of ideas, games, worksheets, craft ideas for the Olympic games? I think I will organize a camp on that theme next yeear…

  4. Richard

    @Emmanuelle: All the first level songs are really easy for the younger kids – they’re even faster than the older ones at picking them up and last year we had a request for the How old are you? song for ages 1 and up! So we need to find out where the problem is. Very often with this age group it can be the positioning of the TV, so making sure it’s at their eye level (and nice and loud of course) can help. Which parts are they having particular difficulty with do you think?

  5. Richard

    P.S. One other quick tip, whilst we’re figuring it out, is to just have the kids shout just the numbers in the verses. If you’d done the numbers lesson previously it should be really easy for them!

  6. Dale Harrison

    Hey there Richard as always you seem to be super Genki busy. I have been asked by some of my students parents and also teachers at some of my schools to ask you if it might be possible for you in the future to change the Font that you use on Genki English to may be comic sans or something similar as the students get confused when they try to write the letter a. Not sure if this e-mail makes sense or not Sorry

  7. Margit

    best idea trophy for Trevor>

    we should open a thread on the forum to gather ideas and get this going ASAP

  8. Richard

    @Dale: All the phonics material, which is designed for reading and writing by the kids, is in the Sassoon font so it has the regular “a” i.e. no this one “a” but the one without the funny top bit! 🙂

    The regular GE material, that’s not for reading and is purely there for the teacher’s benefit so the kids shouldn’t be reading it!

  9. Trevor

    Thanks for your enthusiasm Margit and Gumby.

    I think can dos are a good way to look at things. I think when you are planning a lesson you should be thinking about what you want your students to be able to and you should be constantly assessing what they actually “can do”.

    I would be happy to collaborate on this idea. He are some of the ideas I have. I welcome any comments or extra ideas, maybe you are already doing things that could be added to this list.

    Adventure –
    Hello. My name’s… I’m a Superhero. I can.. I can.. and I can.. Thank you.

    Brainy –
    Good Morning. My name’s… I’m…years old. I like (food) and I like(animals) Thank you.
    A-Z of food (timed)

    Challenge –
    Good Morning. My name’s.. I like (vegetables) and I like (animals). I’m sorry, but I don’t like (food or animal). I have a (pet)/ I don’t have any pets.

    This is my monster. It has ….
    How many body parts and items of clothing (from flash cards) can you identify in 30 seconds using the phrase I can see…

    My name’s Pirate… It’s my pleasure, to show a picture, of my Treasure Adventure. There’s a …
    Count backwards from 10-1 (timed) Count backwards in tens from 100 – 0 (timed)

    My name’s… I’m from… I can speak.. I can play the.. but I can’t play the..
    How many countries can you point to on a map and name in English is () seconds.
    Quiz – flags of the world quiz using shapes and colors to describe the flags

    My name’s… I live in…near the( ). In winter I like… In summer I like… Thank you.
    Time cards – how many in ( ) seconds

    My name’s.. My birthday is… I come to school by.. My favourite subject is (…) I play (sports). Thank you.

    Look forward to hearing any ideas.

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