Update: We’re now fully booked up, keep an eye on the blog to see when I’ll open for new applications
Just a quick heads up that I’ll be opening applications for you to join the homework programme this week.
But you can only apply on 18th to 24th of April.
I probably won’t be opening things up again until next school year, so now’s the time to get in if you want to join us.
So read through the guidelines I wrote up last time.
Then send me an email with your name, school name, school logo and what country you are in.
What if you’re not sure?
By now I’ve seen quite a few schools go through the homework programme.
And the biggest thing I’ve seen is that the most successful schools always:
- Have a really clear idea of exactly why they are so different from every other school out there.
- They can explain it really simply and clearly to the parents.
But ….. for those of you who maybe aren’t too confident of the value you are providing yet, or can’t *clearly* articulate what makes you different from the class down the street (and hence why your lessons are worth so much more!) then I’d definitely recommend getting those ideas sorted in your head first before joining us in the homework programme.
Grab a big coffee, a spare 50 minutes and really think:
1) What value can *I* provide that no-one else can? What is my unique take on teaching English?
2) In how few words can I explain this to the parents?
Even if you don’t decide to join us this time, I can guarantee that those 50 minutes will have a huge impact on your life, your school, your income and most importantly your stress levels.
We all have a unique background when it comes to teaching English, we could be native speakers, or non-native speakers who have learnt the language, someone who wants to change how English is taught or someone who wants to provide loving environment for children to learn. Whatever it is, write it down. Then make it simpler.
And above all, remember the last slide from the business sections of my workshop:

And join us in the homework programme today!
Be genki,