Ann sent in a brilliant comment to the “Let’s build a house” theme:
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That’s such a good idea isn’t it! In fact I was so impressed I’ve recorded a Christmas “Gingerbread House” remix of the song to test over on the Beta Test Forum.
It fits very nicely with the “Let’s build a snowman” song I put up there over the weekend. I hope you like them and take the chance to help make changes to them.
Tomorrow I’ve got another post about discipline – always a popular subject!
As I live in Spain and it’s nearly always very hot, in the summer months I ask the parents if it is alright to play with ‘ water-bombs ,’ the small balloons you can buy in different colours! The children absolutely love playing this game to learn their colour , especially when the child who’s balloon bursts gets splashed with water. It’s a fun way to learn and one easily done in yur own garden for your own children to learn. It’s also a great children’s party game whilst teaching them something at the same time.
I just want to say, the Genki English site is the most fantasticenglish learning site I have come across so thank you so much, your ideas have been wonderful and such a help to me. Spanish is not my first language and I always look forward to taking my classes because of yur help!
Great idea, Ann and a really nice
song. The timing is perfect, as I just got the stuff to make this years first gingerbread house. Richard, are you thinking of putting in anything for the missing word, or do you want to leave it up to the kids themselves? I thought of two things, either “a tree” (you know the “TAKENOKO NO YAMA” here in Japan. If you put lots of icing on it,they look like Christmas trees covered with snow.
Or ” a fence”. There are interesting sweets to use for that.
Thank you.
Already commented in the forum, but wanted to add a note here too. I love the song and think it will be great to start with this song and then use the ‘lets build a house’ later with younger children.
I have a question for everybody. Do snowmen have 3 snowballs or 2? In Japan it is 2 and in the US I thought is was 3. Richard, which are you planning?
Gumby – What a great question!! I have only ever build snowmen using one large ball for the body and one for the head. I have just looked on the net and there are loads of photos showing them made from both 3 and 2, how interesting.
Like Gumby, I thought snowmen had three snowballs too (what I used to do as a kid) but I guess 2 works just fine!
Only yesterday, my teaching partner told me that it is a cultural difference – Japanese snowmen have two and American/British have three. The idea is that the two snowballs are like the Daruma doll (after the priest who spent so long meditating that he lost the use of his arms and legs), and this is reflected in the name for snowman in Japanese – yuki daruma.
Hi Like I said in the forum! I really like the Snowman song and the gingerbread house song is a fantastic idea!
Thank you!