Where to start with Genki English? Easy as 1,2,3

A very nice lady came up to me in Starbucks today saying how she’d just bought the Teacher’s Set and was now relocating to Tohoku, Japan to help the tsunami damaged communities up there.

But … she said she was a bit overwhelmed with all the Genki English material and didn’t really know where to start!

Ah… I know the feeling! ย With everything I’ve been adding over the last few years it has got a bit crazy on the site!

So, here is the easy way to do it ….

1. Head over to the curriculum page.

2. Part way down the page you’ll see the list of Genki English themes in the best order to teach them.

3. Pick out the first 2 or 3 themes only, click through to them and read the lesson plan / watch the videos.

That’s it! Easy. There’s no point trying to read all the lesson plans yet as that would be far too much. ย Just try the first 2 or 3 e.g. Genki Disco Warm Up, What’s your name?, Superhero etc. and try those in class.

Once you’ve seen them in action it makes a whole lot more sense. ย Then you can simply read up on each new lesson as you come to teach it. ย That’s actually exactly what I do myself.

Remember baby steps, keep it simple one bit at a time.

And of course before you buy I’d recommend everyone to have a look at the Basics Workshop video. ย It will give you a good head start in how to do Genki English!

Does that help?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “Where to start with Genki English? Easy as 1,2,3”

  1. Julia

    Hi, everybody!

    One of the great things GenkiEnglish gives us is the simple way of teaching, because if we want our children to learn easy we have to make sure that they are taught easy, too.

    It doesn’t mean that we teachers don’t need to know much. We just have NOT to show how much we know at a time to make our students believe they can get as good at English as teachers are. (But check yourself if you want it:))

    Good luck!

  2. Russ

    What do you do when you happen upon a school that has no cd player and very very very limited space ( Japanese juku style)?

  3. richard

    Hi Russ,

    Most of the games can be easily adapted so space usually isn’t a problem. (Often in China and India we have over 100 kids in one classroom!) Having said that the minicard games are very popular in these types of classes.

    CD Player wise, no worries, CDs are pretty much old tech these days (we’re actually stopping selling them this year) and the kids do much, much better with the pictures synced to the music, so just taking your laptop into class is the best bet. If you can plug it into the TV it’s even better, if not a regular laptop screen is usually cool for smaller numbers, although also investing in an external speaker does make a huge difference. You’ll also love not having to carry heavy flashcards around anymore! ๐Ÿ™‚

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