Teaching Me/You/Him/Her

Over on the member’s forum I’ve just uploaded a demo of a “Look at me” song for practising me/you/her/him.

These can be a little confusing for the kids, especially if they are said the same as I/you/he/she in the kids’ native language.

The (genius as always!) teachers on the forum have come up with a great solution, use celebrities!ย  e.g. Carol came up with a survey such as “I like Beyonce. Do you like her?” Yes I do/no I don’t etc.ย  and Yumiko has come up with a full game to practice them.ย  There’s more on the forum.ย  (If you’re not a member yet, just order the download pack or teachers pack and you’ll be able to join us all!)

Using celebrities also works really well with the What do you think of…? theme, especially with tweens or teenagers.ย  And “I like me/youhim/her” features in the I like animals song.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to “Teaching Me/You/Him/Her”

  1. Carol


    I think it’s really great to find new ways to combine things you already have on the site to make a whole new theme, especially when sparked by a new song from your creative genius!

    This shows how useful your site is to teachers and what great material you have to back up the wonderful songs from a super genki person!

    By the way: Beyonce? I do like her! I think she’s great. And Genki English? I like it. I think it’s awesome!

  2. Rosebud

    Nice, easy, simple, hassle and worry free. A jingle to stay in your head all day to really learn those personal pronouns. Love it, love it, love it.

  3. Yumiko

    Who else can make such a simple, joyful, and effective song to teach pronouns. They are usually taught in a boring way and make lots of English haters in Japan.

    Thank you for making this song and putting it on the forum instead of throwing away (mottainai!).

    I’m sure kids will love it!

  4. David

    The problem that I have with using celebrity names here in Japan is that there are just not that many foreign celebrities that all of the children know! I even tried to make a list, and I asked lots of children to tell me what foreign people they know of, and I could only come up with about 10 names or so. Not enough to keep things interesting!

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