Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Are there any extra lessons/songs/games/ideas that you’d like me to film at this weekend’s workshops? (Video is always much easier to pick...

If you’re just starting on the JET programme and are wondering if Genki English is right for you …. Don’t believe me ( ๐Ÿ™‚ ) have a...

Next week I’m doing another very low incomeย project for schools in South India, and we can’t use ย The Baby Monkey Family over there. So ...

UPDATES: ย Thank you to everyone for coming to the workshops! ย  Check out the next time I’ll be in town on the schedule page! ——...

Hello, Most teachers are on holiday at the moment, so I’ve been keeping all the really awesome blog posts for September. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Keep tuned in!) I...

If you’re sweltering away in the Summer Heat, here is my top tip to get everyone feeling super, super cool. It is a theme to teach. But which on...