2014 Homework Calendars – Make Homework into a Game!

UPDATE: Β Here are the 2015 ones!

To go with the homework programme,Β and as a request from the VIP forum, here are your 2014 homework calendars.

As last year, they are very easy to use and end up making homework into a game!

1. Set which lesson you’d like the kids to study before the next lesson.

2. The kids (or parents!) sign what they did each day.

3. See who got the high score at the end of the month.

What could be better!



P.S. For those of you worried about parents copying the homework programme, this is part of why they don’t, you only set the homework to the classes that have bought the software – hence they all want to get in and you get the crazy results!


Be genki,


P.S. Β Just in case you need the 2013 ones, they are here.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

13 Responses to “2014 Homework Calendars – Make Homework into a Game!”

  1. Margit

    If anyone would like to see some pictures of how these Calendars look when kids USE them I have a bunch, so drop me a line! They are amazing!

  2. Gumby

    Of course I would love to see a picture.

  3. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    The calendars are great! Thank you very much!

  4. Tracey Yamamoto

    Hello Richard. Happy New Year!
    Love the homework calendars, thank you very much. Are you going to make the regular calendar this year? I would REALLY appreciate it if you did..I have a huge empty space on my wall where the Genki calendar needs to be!


  5. Elvira

    Happy new Year! I love Tracy’s idea of the regular calendar. It would be usefull not only for teachers but for their students as well.

  6. Richard

    @Tracey & Elvira, they’re coming soon, keep an eye on the blog! πŸ™‚

  7. Jamie

    Great idea. I’ve linked this to also include a diary. I get my young Thai students to write a daily diary of their lessons. This improves writing and vocabulary as well as injecting responsibility and imagination.

  8. Margit


    what kind of sentences do they write?
    About how much?

    Something like: “We played RPS. I asked: ” Do you have any pets?” or what?
    At the point I use these calendars the kids aren’T doing phonics yet so I wonder how you go along?

  9. Tracey Yamamoto

    Hi Richard,

    Happy New Year! I hope it’ll be a good one for you. I know I bother you every year, but are you going to be making a regular calendar this year too? It’d be much appreciated if you did! I really need my Genki Calendar!


  10. Liora

    Hi Richard.
    I would really appreciate a regular, 2015, calendar. please!


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