Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

By far the most popular post over the Summer was Hugo’s amazing Origami Games. And all your amazing feedback has spurred him on to make another ...

UPDATE:ย  To get more students & double your teaching income this year, check out the new Genki Business Course! Violetta wrote in to ask: Hi Mr. ...

Judging by my email inbox, especially from teachers in Europe & the Americas, ย it seems that quite a few of you are getting quite nervous as your...

When I first started in Japan I was an ALT on the JET programme. ย (Still by far the best way to get to Japan even today.) The reason I started Genki ...

Over on the VIP forum Gumby wrote in to ask for a few more games ideas for the “What’s your favourite…?” lesson. Here you go! ...

Better kids? ย More students? ย Higher income for your school? ย Check out this video with Margit to see what the no-hassle Genki English Homework Pro...