Superhero Printables + Lots More + See Where I Live in Japan + Only 9 Hours Left!


*** This Offer Has Now Finished ***

Thank you to everyone who participated.
I'm very grateful and very proud of you all
VIP Members please feel free to use the materials below
And check the blog soon for a full report

Wow, we’re 9 hours away from the Red Cross Download Pack ending. ย It’s getting quite exciting.

The offer stops at Midnight Japan Time which is 8:30 PM in New Delhi, 3PM in London, 4PM in Berlin, 11AM in New York and 8AM in LA.

All the 50 free Advanced packs have all gone now. ย But because I definitely want to make the donation at least 5 figures, I’ve just thrown an extra 5 freebies in there. ย So get your order now if you can.

Any other help you could give by mentioning the offer on any forums or mailing lists would be great.

And especially if you could put a link to the page on your Facebook account that would help so much. ย To be honest I have no idea how to really use Facebook!

Cool new worksheet / games for you!

Ok, back to today’s bribes, some brilliant new colour games from Gaz.

  1. Order your Red Cross Download Pack
  2. Get your username and password email (just check it’s not in the spam folder)
  3. Come back here and download the games below!


First we have some A4 snakes and ladders games, they make a great review:

I can + superhero words e.g. fly, climb, swim etc.
I can + soccer words e.g. kick, pass, shoot etc.
Doctor, Doctor, my ….. hurts body parts.
Creepy Crawlies!
Months of the year

Plus we have some funky cut out coloured dice for bugs, body parts, countries and the superhero!

Roll the dice and see if you can say the words!

Plus of course VIP Members also have tons of other books and printables on theย VIP Members page.

Today Only I’m also Donating the Hip Hop Pack Revenue

Pat wrote in to ask if I could donate money paid for the Advanced / Hip Hop Genki English Packs.

OK, fair enough, just till the end of today any VIP Members who order the Advanced / Hip Hop Genki English Packs I’ll also donate that money and add it to the total from the other packs!

Buy Here

If you’re not a VIP Member yet, get the regular Download Pack today and if you’re one of the next five people you’ll get the Advanced pack for free!

Does that all sound fair?

You can buy here

Stopping all the free stuff?

Michelle also wrote in to say that as an extra bribe to make you all buy I should vastly cut down on the amount of free and demo material on the site. ย You know that is a great idea, and it’s something that I’m always been told to reconsider it. ย It certainly is something to think about!

A Few Problems

Valentina, Gumby, Catalina, Bernadette and a few others wrote in with some problems they are having…

  1. If the download files show up as being empty: ย This usually means they didn’t download fully, just give them another try and they should be OK.
  2. On windows machines you can hear the sounds but the screen is blank: ย Just right click on the white part of the screen and deselect “enable hardware acceleration.” ย It’s a little annoying, but an easy fix.
  3. What order do I teach the themes in? ย The order presented in the Manual is the best bet.
  4. Do I need to be connected to the internet to use the software: ย Once it’s downloaded you don’t need to be connected, you can use it wherever you are!


VIP Members Forum

Now that you are a VIP Member, be sure to pop by the VIP Forum and say hello. ย There’s a great bunch of teachers on there, and a whole load of ย “top secret” bonus materials so please pop along!

And finally … See where I live in Japan!

Thank you for all your amazing support this week. ย  To be honest last week, even for us living a long way away, was really hard. ย Seeing pictures day after day of places you know being wiped out is not easy. ย Especially in my job I was just feeling it was impossible to try and make fun and exciting stuff for everyone. ย But the idea of donating all the money this week really gave me a purpose and I guess a sort of excuse to get back to doing what, hopefully, I do best which is to bring you guys the best materials to make your kids happy whilst they are learning.

So there are only a few hours left, so please keep telling people to buy the pack whilst I’m still donating all the money.

Even if you just tell one person it really helps.

And finally last weekend Iย actuallyย went home. ย I only get back there once or twice a year as I’m always on the road. ย  ย Iย took some video of where I live to show you. ย  Let’s all work together to make the rest of Japan look like this again.

Be genki,


Red Cross Download Pack

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

One Response to “Superhero Printables + Lots More + See Where I Live in Japan + Only 9 Hours Left!”

  1. Carol

    Wow!!! Great video Richard. Thanks for showing us this…

    And thanks for the worksheets too of course!

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