Genki English in Rural India, “Apple Day” + English is one thing, Genkiness is another!

Hi Everyone, I’m back from India!

Staying in the school (with buckets of (cold) water for showers!) was tough. But just look at the smiles on the kids’ faces during the Superhero song!  You can’t ask for more than that, can you?

Genki English “Superheroes” in Tuni, India.  Photo (C) by James Tulloch

I wrote last week that this was for ultra low income families.  But actually a lot of these kids are  orphans, and all of them live in the children’s home that is part of the school.    I’ll tell you though, they had more smiles than any school you’d see in the West.

The teachers were also fantastic.  They get brilliant results in the tests, but due to the rote learning the kids can’t speak English.  So the charity who supports the school (Scottish Love in Action) contacted the University of Newcastle in the UK, who contacted me.

As usual the English part worked out well. But the real difference came with getting the teachers Genki. They put so much passion into it and were enjoying the training so much.

Genki English teachers in Tuni, India.  Photo (C) by James Tulloch

The schedule was two days of training for the teachers, with a trial class for them on the third day.  Plus I also got roped into doing a Genki English “show” for the whole school – 400 kids all at the same time! – not once, but twice!  They were so good though.

We also took lots of video, so if you’d like me to upload some, do let me know in the comments!

One final picture for today (before I start work on my hundreds of emails – I will get round to answering them all I promise!)

This is “Apple Day.”  A sponsor provides an apple for each of the children.  Once in a month.

The kids were so looking forward to it.  How would your kids react to getting an apple once a month?  (Maybe useful for the Thanksgiving lesson this year!)

I’ll post more games and things in the coming days, but for the time being, thank you to everyone in Tuni, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Mombai & London for all the (very!) hard work in putting this all together.

I’m sure we’re going to see a lot more of these kids in the future!

Be genki,


P.S.  As I mentioned above, if you’d like me to upload some video of the kids and teachers do let me know in the comments.

P.P.S.  The winner of the August Comment Competition was Shawn.  If you’d like to win a Genki English CD of your choice, get commenting on the blog. I’ll pick one winner each month, the more you comment the more chances you have to win.  (The post from Yesterday was quite popular!)

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

11 Responses to “Genki English in Rural India, “Apple Day” + English is one thing, Genkiness is another!”

  1. Jaynie

    I would love to see any of the videos,the photos are lovely.Seeing those smiles was a great pick me up after being in the hospital all morning! Thank you Richard.

  2. Imas Siti Maesaroh

    I’m Mae from Indonesia,
    I am teaching english in playground and junior high school in one of country side in Bandung-Indonesia. I also have English course class for some children.
    yet, I encountered many problems in teaching English. here is lack of facilities, less motivation of education, less references, and so many other problems. so, I have to be creative, full of spirit, and be patient enough.
    I’m very interested in gengki English. it’s helpful.
    I knew gengki English some days ago. I hope I can get some sharing…
    nice to know gengki english

    my sincerity,

  3. Margit

    videos please!!!

    Well, but first thanks for the two pictures. I really like them especially the one with the teachers. Having shiny eyes on kid’s faces is something not too difficult to get, but the teacher’s picture is very very special!

    Do these teachers have access to internet? Would they be able and willing to do any kind of exchange?

  4. Kobekid

    videos please! Gonna post to my FB page. As usual Margit beats to it, nay chance of a Genki exchange?

  5. richard

    They do actually have computers in the school …. let me ask, we didn’t cover projects in the training but they might be up for them!

  6. Izolda Kovac

    I would like to see those videos! I’m really interested.
    There are also many children from low income families in our school, too!

  7. Meli

    Seeing happiness in children when they are learning is quite motivating for any teacher. Well deserved Richard!!!. Your clue is that you are happy with what you do. Please upload whatever you can regarding this great experience. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  8. Kristin

    I owuld love to see some videos from India!!! Seeing what others have to deal with, is a great way to remember to be thankful for everything I have!!

  9. Cathy

    Would love to see the videos! It’s so exciting and inspiring to see what you’re doing!

  10. Shelley(from Israel)

    I am an avid fan of TPR and have been for many years. Since using your Super Hero song with my 3rd graders, I watched their faces light up, just as you showed us with the kids in India. What is gr8 about this song, is that the new TPR vocabulary is used in a song, and not just as a single verb. The words “I CAN…” followed by the verbs they have internalized so well, and the actions are wonderful!Thank you lots, Richard!

  11. Cincyesl

    I am an expat who has been teaching English in India for the past three years. I really like the Genki approach because it emphasizes UNDERSTANDING. I’ve come across really smart students who can ‘speak’ English by reciting from rote memory, but don’t have any understanding of the words. I’ll be following your posts closely!

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