“Mezamashi Terebi” ( a big national Japanese TV show) are hopefully going to do a bit on the Genki English Thai project sometime this week. Keep an eye out!

We’ve also seen schools teaching Genki English ย in Tanzania, China, ย & India, so today you can see a little of what it’s like ย in Japan.

First up is Joel Bacha’s schools in Shikoku.

This is actually before we developed the Genki English songs, but how many Genki English games can you see here?

Joel also has his own book of primary school games – we only have a few of these left so get your order in soon!

Next we have FBS TV who just did a great shoot of Andrew’s class.

How GE songs can you hear here?

It’s also cool to hear the presenters comments about learning GE style at the end!

What do you think? ย Anything like where you teach?

Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!

3 Responses to “Genki English on TV”

  1. Gumby

    Richard, if you can, please share the date,time and channel. I would love to record it and show it to my office.

  2. richard

    Channel is Fuji TV, they’re not sure of the date or time yet, but probably sometime this week. But it’s quite a famous programme, so just saying it’s on there probably has more value than what they actually show! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Margit

    ahhh. I think I missed it. It was on there today, wasn’T it?
    When I checked it said “today: tablets” but there were just 40 minutes left.

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