Category Archives: ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ India

Phonics “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” Game + Video of Kids from India

As part of the training last week we sent the teachers into real classes to see how they got on with their very first phonics lessons! I thought you might like to see what the classrooms and school was like so whilst doing their evaluations I wondered round videoing the classes for you! Amongst other…

Genki English in Rural India, โ€œApple Dayโ€ + English is one thing, Genkiness is another!

Hi Everyone, I’m back from India! Staying in the school (with buckets of (cold) water for showers!) was tough. But just look at the smiles on the kids’ faces during the Superhero song!ย  You can’t ask for more than that, can you? Genki English “Superheroes” in Tuni, India. ย Photo (C) by James Tulloch I wrote…

Genki in India

As you know Genki English is used pretty much around the world, and today I’m heading off to start our latest project for ultra low income families in India. ย  It is always fantastic to see the kids and teachers in these schools, they do such an amazing job! Here’s a quick video of the…

130m people on less than $1 a day, this is how we’re helping

Here’s a video of the current project I’m doing in India, for the ASPIRE programme. Hopefully this will be the first in a series so we can see how things progress as the children learn with phonics and Genki English! What do you think?

But my Kids can’t do that… especially the Slum Kids

One of the biggest constraints on kids’ learning is the teacher’s attitude. And one of the biggest things I see is “but these kids can’t do that!” Have you ever worked with teachers like that? Today it happened with, of all themes, “Where are you from?” The excuses ranged from “but slum kids don’t have…

How to get Government School Teachers on your Side + more on Textbooks

(Thanks to everyone who sent in great comments yesterday! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) If you ever have to present to a group of teachers then it’s definitely worth trying the simple exercise below, otherwise you’ll spend all day with attitudes like “but inย our country ….” “butย in my school …” Doing the exercise, however, gets all their frustrations…