Help Please! How would you illustrate “mine, yours, his, etc.”?


I’m still not happy with the pictures for the “Whose is it?” song.

So my question of the day is…

How would *you* illustrate  … mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs/ everybody’s / I don’t know & “Whose is it?”

The criteria are ….

  1. It is has to be easily recognizable – and distinguishable between each one – for kids sat right at the back of a crowded classroom.
  2. The meaning has to be *really* obvious – for teachers who don’t speak their students language and hence can’t explain the meaning!

We thought about people holding things etc.  but it is difficult to see at the back when there are many characters,  and distinguishing between mine/yours/his/hers is really tough!

Also any characters/objects you’d like to see included?

I’d love your input, and the more we get the faster I can get working on vol. 13!

Thanks in advance,

Be genki,


Richard Graham

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11 Responses to “Help Please! How would you illustrate “mine, yours, his, etc.”?”

  1. Gumby

    Just had an idea. How about involving shoes of different animals. You can put up pictures of animals and then show the shoes. Then students point to the right pictures.

    you can have 2 webbed shoes ducks, horseshoes, people shoes, four white shoes for cats, etc

  2. Margit

    Great idea, gumby~
    ~I give up on this, no better idea from here. I think something coming in pairs like shoes is great !

  3. Shane

    Use colors.
    Everyone has different colored t-shirts on. Then hold up a blue hat and point to a boy with the blue t-shirt. “It’s his.” A couple monkeys have orange t-shirts on. “The orange hats are theirs.”

    If you don’t want to get into plural nouns, you can use an orange ball or something else.

  4. Nena

    They’re possesive pronuons you need to have an object. my idea is to use the Monkey Family:
    1. the image of Monkey family- with all the objects-a tree house,baby’s pacifier,brother on a blue bike, sister holding a pink doll,father a red car grandma monkey with cane,mom holding a purse and maybe the shark’s pool. etc. To illustrate the question theme of the lesson: WHOSE IS IT?
    2.) Illustrate each object.
    -the bike — IT’S HIS
    – the doll — IT’S HERS
    – the car — IT’S THEIRS
    – the treehouse/the shark– IT’S OURS (on a corner show the monkey family)
    CANE (grandma saying IT’S MINE)
    PACIFIER (baby daying IT’S MINE.

    It is complicated to illustrate this theme!

  5. Nena

    for the “I DON’T KNOW” draw any object that isn’t in the main picture (a spaceship) or a pet(cat, dog)

  6. Gudrun

    I agree with Nena, put the object and the character in the same picture – maybe holding it – and I think it’s important to have the characters point at themselves. But please don’t forget grandpa, my kids miss him terribly and keep asking where he is!!! 🙂

  7. Drew

    It is impossible to introduce possessives without introducing other vocabulary for the object in possession. I and many others introduce possessives when talking about school objects, body parts and family. Illustrations highlighting these themes would be helpful. Richard why not do shots of character parts – like Mr Monkey’s tail or the elephants trunk and then reveal the character. Just an idea.

  8. Stephen Bartolo

    Gudrun, I had the same thing with Grandpa when I was reading the family book!!! My kids were like, where is Grandpa 🙂

  9. Gudrun

    Thank you Margit,
    but it’s just not the same… grandpa is not in the vocab, song or game and we get into discussions every time as there is always one kid who says his grandpa died and then the others want to know why and so on… Good thing, we have the rabbit family with a grandpa!!! So, I switch over to them to stop the discussion. But there, they miss grandma and grandpa in the song as well…

    By the way, the game for Baby Monkey Family is quite difficult for younger kids, maybe if you redo this subject, Richard, you could add the grandpa and make a different game for the younger kids?

  10. Richard

    The computer game, yeah? Ah yes, that would be tough for the little kids, I originally did it for my JHS kids!

    I guess using the Baby Rabbit game is the best bet?

    No plans to revisit the current monkey family (it’s great in East Asia but not so in Africa or South Asia!) but there might be some more family stuff with different families!

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