Author Archives: Richard Graham

Baby Rabbit Family Picture Book: “This is…” and “These are…”

You’ve had the Baby Rabbit Family in the software for a while now. Β I’m very glad you like the ending so much πŸ™‚ Ninja Tip: Β This book is also a really great way to naturally introduce “This is ….” and “These are ….” And Mark just wrote in to ask for the pdf version (…

Start your own School Tip: Should I set my schedule? Or work around soccer, piano class etc.

Sam wrote in to ask: One or two mums have asked me if I can give them the dates and days of the course for next year. As for some of their after school activities are asking for a deposit to reserve places now, for next year. Do you plan at this time? Or do…

Quick Tip to help put your Flashcards or Minicards in order….

Last year we had the quick tip on how to Β keep minicards together for storing,Β Β  but however hard I tried I always seemed to end up with a big pile of mixed up cards at the end of the year. πŸ™‚ You can try this activity to give you a hand with your spring cleaning….

Richard’s Reads: Genki English Book Club

Along with meditation ( I use Headspace) and exercise (see below) reading has a huge correlation with personal success. Since getting my phone and kindle I’ve been reading so many books and in the spirit of the “What shall I read next?” question that I always find myself in, I’m sharing some of the my…

Have your own school? You need this workshop! June 28th

Update: Β Thank you to everyone who attended – you were amazing!   Do you want more students? To crush the competition? And have an amazing work-life balance? – This is the workshop for you! Although we’ve got a hugeΒ Europe tour coming up soon – with lots of amazing content Β – I think in Japan I’ve…

4D Weather Lesson Plan

We’ve got a great guest post today from Connie in Shanghai! I’m an English teacher from Shanghai, China. I just read the teaching ideas the other teachers shared on your website, and I’d like to share how do I teach the lesson of WEATHER. First of all, as an ESL teacher, to help kids understand…