Author Archives: Richard Graham

Translation of Terror and the Misunderstanding of Doom

I think I should have published this last week, Β but anyway, better late than never! I mentioned this briefly in the How much English?Β  post, but I’ve been asked a lot about it. Mishu wrote in to ask: How can I teach English without using of translation into Spanish to my students? When I see…

No fun without learning!

A nice little quote for you today, very kindly sent in by Savvas. Hope you like it! πŸ™‚   P.S. Β Don’t forget all the other quotes posters here! πŸ™‚ P.P.S. Β Another pearl of wisdom from Savvas: A lesson said in humour, is long remembered.

Help Please: Can you help me win the Literacy XPrize? (And change the World)

Want to help change the world? Β  The other day I was listening to the Tim Ferriss podcastΒ Β with Tony Robbins (Tony Robbins!) and Peter Diamandis about their new $15m X PRIZE. The first $10m Xprize was to put people in space. Β Sir Richard Branson bought the company that won that X Prize. ( The same…

Don’t forget the Superhero!

With all the ghouls and ghosts, don’t forget that the Superhero lesson also makes a fantastic Halloween activity for class or party. It’s particularly good if you are wanting to impress potential new parents! πŸ™‚ Be genki, Richard P.S. Β All the other Halloween lessons are here – my current favourite is “Where is the spider?”…

Spain Workshop – Thank you & Write Up Soon!

Thanks to everyone for the amazing workshop this weekend – you were fantastic!! πŸ™‚ I’m travelling this week, but I’ll have a full write up of everything we did next week when I get back to Japan. And … here are a couple of links to get you started – Genki Phonics (gestures are part…

Edinburgh University: Singing Significantly Improves Language Learning

Many of us can pretty much tell straight away when a technique “works” in class – the kids’ reaction often gives it away. πŸ™‚ And in the next class we can see if it helped them remember any of what they learnt (or not as the case may be!) For Tiger Parents… Then when trying…