Author Archives: Richard Graham

Help Please: New β€œSimon Game” – with goals!

I might be making more work for myself here, but Β … I’ve just done a super new (hopefully!) Β improved version of the “Simon” game ( like I have in software for the seasons, left right etc.) And this time there is a goal. So I’m hoping it makes it much more fun! Would you care…

New Game: Match Maker! (Fruits)

Hope you had a great weekend (and loved the fruits!) Here’s Mido’s groovy game of the week just for you. Teach today’s lesson as usual. And then …. 1. Put today’s A4 flashcards around the room. Β (On desks, not on the floor!) 2. Give each child a set of today’s minicards. 3. Teacher says “Go!”…

Amazing (!) New Fruits Software & Games!

Thanks for all the amazing feedback on the What do you do? update. It was a lot of work so it was great to hear all your kind words (especially Rinaldo’s!) And here’s the latest one for you all: Fruit Market! In exchange for helping me check through to make sure everything (spelling, buttons etc.)…

School is just like Angry Birds

John wrote in to ask: I don’t think my kids yet understand the concept of “Losing means try again”. When I explain the concept to them, it seems to go right over their heads. Β What can I do? Ah yes, Genki English Rule No.2 : Losing means “Try again!” The problem seems to be that…

Jobs A4 cards, minicards & workbook!

To go with the new “What do you do?” software update ( do let me know what you think of it!), I’ve also updated some of the other printables for you! 1. A4 cards: 2. Mini cards (how to play): 3. Vol. 4 Workbook/Evaluation / Lyrics sheets (what’s this?) Plus of course there is the…

Help Please: What do you do? Software Update!

I think you might like this! πŸ™‚ I’ve just updated the “What do you do?” software. And for VIP Members, for a very limited time, Β in exchange for helping me double check everything (e.g. playing through the songs, games etc. to spot any mistakes!) you get the update for free! What’s changed: – New graphics…